I am eating more, and concerned.
How is everybody? I have been doing well. I have been holding at 184 pounds for the past two months. I have been able to eat like I used to. I don't experience dumping, and I realize the amount I eat has increased. It is strange to be able to eat almost anything again. I have lost a total of 85 pounds, and I think I may have stopped losing at this point. My body has healed from the surgery. I guess I've settled into this weight, which is fine, as long as I don't gain. My only complaint is I hate having gas all the time, lol! I love being a size 12. It has been a long time since I have been this size. A good friend of mine was looking at pictures of me from last Christmas, and said she can't even believe I ever used to weigh that much. She has known me 13 years. It is surreal to look at those pictures. I didn't realize I was that big when I was that size, and apparently my friend didn't realize that about me either! I think I really believed I wasn't as big as I was. I was in alot of denial then. I really don't want to ever go back to that weight again. I recently had my labs done, and everything was normal. It feels so good to be healthy. I know I have to watch what I eat going forward. The days of pounds dropping quickly are behind me. My goal is to maintain and not gain. Maybe I wasn't meant to make the Century Club. That's ok, I'm grateful to be where I am today. Just needed to express myself tonight I guess. I miss all of you Feb. folks!
Hi Rebecca,
I too have noticed that I am eating more than usual. Today I finished a whole hot dog and probably could have eaten a few more bites.
I have lost a total of 91 pounds and I too think I am done losing. Congratulations on loosing 85 pounds, I am glad to hear your labs are all good. Best of luck to you

Hi Rebecca, yes I got a new job and I have about 2 months there now. I'm working for the County Department of Social Services. I'm a Social Service Assistant. I like it, it's not too bad. It's a temp position so I probably won't be there long because I am planning on going back to teaching.
My hubby is post-op, going on 5 months. He's doing really well but you know men lose faster. He looks great as he is now but he wants to lose a bit more. His tummy is his problem area so he's been trying to workout to see if it'll disappear.
Aww, but of course I think of you. You are such a sweetie.
Glad you came on by to say hello.

I can relate...like one of your posts comments said about eatting a whole hotdog...but lets think back WWOIE......(what would I of eatten?) like maybe 3 dogs beans fries and a piece of cake with maybe 4 sweet teas?? lol
I know we can eat more but we have to keep it all in perspective we are def NOT eating the way we used to and I know its scary we DO NOT want to go back to where we were.
I too am stuck right under centur club but am exstremely Happy at a size 10 or 8 whatever lol (is it me or are clothes more random at smaller sizes) lol
LIVE IT UP GIRL!!!! you look great enjoy!
I am so glad to hear from you! I think that you will make century club for sure. I know you will. I think a lot of us are going thru the same think right now. I am even thinking of going to see my doctor and telling him the restrictive aspect of my surgery isn't there! But I know he won't take me seriously. I have been having horrible binges too. Like eating Halloween candy and chips and sugar cookies, a lot of it too. That scares me to death. I ate a whole taco salad the other night WITH the shell -am I spelling shell right?-brain fart...it weighed over a pound and had 800 cals...how can I eat that??? I hope my troubles help you feel better!!! I know when I see that others are having struggles too I don't feel so alone. Hang in there, we are all here for you and in this together.