Weightloss and Birth Control
Hi Losers. I had surgery on February 14, 2006 and have lost about 80 pounds. Even though I am proud of that I feel I should have lost more weight by now. I started taking Depo provera on July 18, 2006 and weighted 242. Then a month later when I went to see the surgeon I only lost -2 pound since July. I was thinking maybe it could be the birth control or the vitamins because I take about 5 pills a day but who knows. If anyone *****ads this and has any advice please feel free to comment. Thank You.
Yes it could be the depo. I had a Mirena IUD inserted and removed with in 30 days.
My dr said that everything with hormones can interfere with the weight loss process.
HE recommended the Nuva Ring, but i wasn't interested.
Have you asked your dr about it. I know my dr won't give depo to any patients.
I would stay away from MIrena because i had a bad experience.
Good Luck - PS I take my chances and don't use anything because of the side effects.
I know Depo is very strong and I gained weight when I was on it years ago. Since surgery I've been on a very low dose bc pill and it hasn't affected my weightloss at all and I'm very happy with it. There are many options out there, talk to your OB/GYN to find what's best for you. A friend of mine is on the Nuva ring which is also a very low dose of hormones and it hasn't affected her weightloss. She's 1 1/2yrs post-op and started using the ring a month after surgery. I wish you the best and congratulations on your 80lb loss

I was very apprehensive about the Nuvaring after reading the instructions and seeing the ring. But it was sooooooo simple and easy to put in and take out!!!!!!! Easiest birth control I have ever used and I feel so secure about not getting pregnant (before the ring I feared what if I got pregnant and something went wrong with the baby). I will now stay on the ring and I won't go back to using condoms, shots, or the pill. My advice for $20 try the ring for one month and then take out and have your period. I can almost bet you will decide to continue!!! Oh yeah I am down 100 and 20 of it has come in the past months since starting the ring. Sandy
Hi I am 9 month post op and I have lost 100 pounds, I have been on bc for the past few months and just started having trouble with breakthough bleeding and my ob/gyn said she is worried I may not be digesting the pill since my surgery and put me on the nuvaring today. Has anyone else everheard anything about bc pills not digesting completely i take my vitamins everyday and they are horse pills, I guess they digest. does anyone have any ideas..