Been too active?
Hi everyone...I haven't posted much lately and just miss chatting. Tonight I am a little crickety......I rode my bike this morning 2 miles and then worked all day, then walked around our new Costco and then Walmart and then home. I've truly found what I like to do and that is to ride that bike...except I don't get the gear thing. I think I will trade it in for a cruiser bike, something simple. Anyway, I am our 6 months now, hard to believe and am down 103 pounds.....yeah! 153 total for me. I am so happy....been working the arms...cause they aren't so pretty do you think if we keep swinging the wings, they'll fly away? It's my hope anyway.
Thanks Sandy,
The bike seat used to hurt my bumm too. We bought some cushiony seats and I have re-adjusted myself on them when I this time it didn't hurt. With less cushion back there, I had to have my husband raise the seat a couple of inches. When the bike fits you better, it's not so bad. I'll see if I can work up to that extra would be great.
WTG Lori!! I wish I could be as active but I just struggle with keeping a routine. I try walks and then stop, I tried my aerobic dvd and then stop. I don't know what's wrong with me. But congrats to you and keep up the great job!! Oh the wings thing was funny...I hate my batwings but hey they could be worse...I think?

Thanks Elisa,
I think I have struggled with a I quit trying to do a routine. I have so many different exercise videos, dvd's and we have weight benches here at home and an exercise bike and an ab machine....I mix it up as much as I can and have just found that I love riding my bike. I start and stop to but I feel so much better if I do something in the morning and then go to seems like I have a better day and have more stamina. What amazes me is that I used to be so tired all of the I have the energy. It just reiterates how ill I was. I struggle with my scale...I'm not seeing it move very fast these days but then I have to stop and think my body is probably trying to catch up with me. I'm smiling about the bat wings too...think we should start our own angel wing club huh?
Have a great day! Off to get a protein encouraged!