I added some pics and a counter to my page!!
I am feeling so technical!!! I figured out how to put a counter to keep track of hits to my page!!! I know it might not be a big deal to anyone else but I can be so computer illiterate sometimes!!
I even added a pic to the top of my profile and one to the bottom!! The pic on the bottom in the gauchos and brown tank top was taken last Sunday before church. The tank top is a M and the gauchos are a 12 but are nearly falling off my hips so I need to take them in cause I really like them and dont wanna get rid of them!!! In the top pic, the white sundress is a 10 and I got it on clearance for 6.99!!!! It was a 54.00 dress and I figured it would NEVER fit but lo and behold it did!!!! I was so happy to get such a bargain in such a tiny size!!!!!
I am just excited and I wanted to share!!!

Say, you did a great job! I'm having a few troubles figuring thins thing out too. I finally got some photos to stay on my profile thanks to Elisa's help. Now my question is how did you get your photo to show up in your post? Maybe we can figure these things out together huh? I love the photo with you in one leg of your pants. I think I have to do that too. That's pretty funny....but it shows how hard you have worked and how many inches you have lost. Isn't it a great feeling?
I honestly dont recall how to get your face next to your name!! I think I went to the main message board and then sent an email to one of the "helper" OH people requestiing to add my face. That was awhile ago though. i think you can upload it yourself now. The problem is getting it small enough. I think its 100x100.
Like I said go to the FAQ and they break it down for you!