I was sleeping then I woke up gasping for air!!!!
OMG! I was just lying down on the couch yesterday sleeping peacefully and I suddenly sat up and could not breathe and I was gasping for air!! It was like something was in my throat blocking my airway. Then after finally catching my breath my throat felt like it was on fire and I still felt something in my throat so I coughed to see if it would come up and it was this bright green add yellow nasty stuff and it tasted horrible, like a crushed up pill. It was absolutely terrible! Nothing like this has ever happened and it scared me to death! I thought I was dying when I couldn't breathe! I had acid reflux before my gastric bypass but haven't had any problems since surgery.And I don't have my gall bladder, it was removed in May. Does anyone have any idea of what this may be? Could it be stomach ulcers? I hadn't eaten any greasy foods, all I had eaten before this incident was 1/2 of a ham sandwich. Should I go see my gastric bypass DR? All suggestions are very appreciated! ~Melissa
IT sounds like mucas. It could be from your nose or lungs. Do you have any sinus problems or allergies?
I've just went through a week of testing for severe pain and I thought it was WLS related because the pain was deep in my right side, I don't have a gallbladder either.
So, I personally wouldn't hop to the surgeon first, I'd try the primary care dr if your concerned. It might just be nothing.
Good Luck,