Guess what I tried over the weekend?
Hey there, Elisa!!!
I haven't talked to you in a while! How are you doing??? I haven't posted in a while. I was watching 3 kids all during the day....14 hours, and didn't have time to breathe, much less get on this thing.
I am working now, so still not too much time, but it is just 3 days a week, so I should be able to be on here more.
How is your weightloss going? I am doing ok. if I can quit getting sick, I'll be ok.
I have lost 82 pounds now...I think, or 83? too tired to do the math. haha far as drinking, I tried a pina colada (that is my absolute favorite drink.) and it was a small one, and I got about 1/3 of the way through it and I was toast! I am very sinsetive to sugar too, so when I have too much I start shaking and my heart starts racing. It is weird, but it only lasts for about 20-30 minutes.
I just sip other peoples. hahah. other wise it gets wasted.
Hope you are doing well.
RNY 02-13-06
I hardly ever drink, but for my moms birthday we went out to lunch, and i ordered a watermelon margarita, it sounded so wonderful.
four sips and I was miserable, I am not kidding, about only four sips full.
If my husband wasn't there to help me to the car I would have laid down on the floor by our table, I started sweating immediately, and getting the shakes, my enery zapped right out of me, and my body was shaking, like no motor skills, it was crazy.
it was like I was going through a diabetic episode. It was horrible.
I will not do that again, especially because the people around me were so scared and i felt like a big old idiot after
oh and it gave me a horrible stomach ache, I guess that was a dumping? I was sick to my stomach and had bathroom issues.
Watermelon Margarita, bad.