Help: Did u feel bloated for the first days?
Hey everyone, my hubs says he has this full, tight, bloated feeling in his stomach. I don't recall feeling the way he does now. He says it feels like there is something in his intestines/stomach and it won't come out. I pressed on his stomach (on his request) & boy does it feel tight-sorta like a watermelon. Does anyone remembering having that feeling a few days post-op? Just to make sure he called the Dr.'s office (they haven't called back yet) but I think it might just also be gas. He's says he's been passing--but I haven't heard or smelt one yet
I had the most horrible wicked gas for the first couple of days that I was home. But I am glad that you called the surgeon... My last night in the hospital I thought I was going to cut my belly open cuz I was so full of gas and still had the tape over my staples. I ws so bloated that I was almost tempted to pull the tape off myself cuz it was so tight. Warm tea may help with getting the gas to pass...
- Terri
Thanks GG, well we are back from Poway. Turns out he's ok and the doc. thinks it might be gas. He told him to take some Gas-X or simethicone (sp?) to help pass the gas along. They even gave him an upper GI test just to make sure there wasn't anything else wrong. My hubby & the nurse practioner saw with their own eyes
that liquids are going through him like they should. I think that put him at ease and will hopefully listen to me when I say it's normal. At any rate, I'm glad it was nothing serious. Thanks for the support ladies! On with the journey-