I've got it, yeah baby I've got it
Hello to everyone,
I got it. In the mail today. My OH subscription I won. I got the three issues, to date, a pen, a bumper sticker, a restrant card that's actually wallet sized to fill in, and a couple of notepads. It's so very wonderful. I really wanted to see it, and with something as specialized as this, there was no way my local library or bookstore was going to carry it. I keep trying to tell people about OH. The site, the mag, and all the wonderfully supportive people here. I'll be able to use this as a way to not just help me, but others I know, in various stages of their journey.
My husband better not try to take my OH pen. He'll draw back a bloody nub.

I'm a Leo, and back when my husband and I were dating we were driving around with one of his friends when I read mine aloud. I asked what his sign was and he said I just read it. I turned to his friend and he said you don't have to ask. You already read mine.
PS One of them has a neat pick of before and after "body lift" surgery.
I've only gone through one issue, with the football guy, and what I liked best was the ad for the whole body lift, so I could see the potential from PS. DX E was also in there with his "you might be a WLS patient if" lines. I'll try to give you a better opinion after I've really looked through them all.