Gi G.
on 6/2/06 5:06 am
on 6/2/06 5:06 am
Thanks, for helping ME stay accountable!
I've been looking into the gym, but can't afford it right now, I've saving up for the fall, when the weather starts to turn. I did find one with a pool, but we live in Brooklyn, and I just can't see myself getting into the 'public' pool.
I will be swimming LOTS in the ocean and my SIL's pool, but I'm not counting that as 'organized' exercise, just FUN.
This month I will GET ON MY GAZELLE or WALK the BOARDWALK briskly, 30 minutes at least 3x a week.
That's my plan, anyway. I loved exercise when I was doing it, for some reason, getting myself started this time has been a hurdle. xosm
Hey Gigi,
Hummmmm. Let's see.
To not kill/maim/mutilate/anoy my husband who's snoring in his room, down the hall.
Nope. No. Can't do it. You said something I really want to work on.....
I want to fit into a real size 18, not a woman's, and to get in 64oz fluid, at least, every day.
PS Will "stretch" clothing count???

Hey Gigi,
No felonies???? Ah, come on.... What's a little murder and mayhem between friends. If we actually shared a room/bed all the time, perhaps I could smother him with a skin flap...
I don't know which one is more atainable. The inches seem to go pretty good, but I don't know if I can actually be in a real 18 by month's end. I got a real size 18 goal jeans, on sale, the other day, so I'd have a measuring rod, so to speak.
I really struggle to get in all the fluids. It's a real chalenge for me. Most days I make it, but some days I don't.
I guess I'll go with the dream instead of the reality. Fit into a REAL size 18, not a woman's.