My Wow Moment
SO 5 months ago i was 1 month till my surgery. i could barely walk much less rn to the bath room lol. I could not sit on the floor and grab my knees. TODAY! however i RAN yes RAN 20 min on the tredmill and did a 100 situps. I cant even imagine that this body did that and that i work out as much as i do! i am amazed at here i am and how i have managed to still work out and not stress out. I have also found i go through stages sometimes i eat hardly nothing and i have to force myself to eat then find some days i eat all the time but maybe thats my matabalizm. who knows. i am stalled right now at 204 but i am getting more tone and still dropping sizes so thats good and i am ok with that. anyway i just wanted you all to know i had a wow moment and after i did it i said I AM SO BLOGGING to my group about this lol so i thought f you all