First Complications- Kidney Stones & Divorce
Ok I went to the hospital emergency room last night. I went to be thinking ok I have a kidney infection or blatter infection; I'll go to the doctor in the morning. I didn't make it... at 3 am I woke my mom whom I'm living with and said watch my son... I'M IN MAJOR PAIN. I got there and they took their time taking blood and a urine sample. They also took an MRI. I have kidney stones, a cyst on my ovaries and hypokalemia (lack of potassium). They gave me morphine and some potassium pills and sent me to an OBGYN and Urologist. Like I don't have enough going on in my life- I.e. I am currently separated from my husband. I haven't been on the boards lately but I've been thinking about all of you. I needed some time alone to think thru the whole separation thing. I went to Vegas with my son for 4 days. I don't know if we're going to get a divorce or not. I saw a lawyer and the finality of it just hurts so much. My son turns two this weekend. I am feeling better today and I have passed one stone with 2-3 more to go. THANK YOU GOD FOR PAIN MEDICATION. The urologist said this was very common with weight loss surgery and that we have to drink our water and eat bananas and potatoes.
I had to return to work today after a week off. I really have just been trying to get thru and not think about much. I have to say separation does wonders for the weight loss...
So I'm here, I may not post but I'm still here and I'm very grateful for your help and support.
Oh Laura, I am so sorry about your kidney stones & divorce. I don't have any advice for you, wish I did. I just want you to know that we are all here for you. I can't imagine what you are going through but I know that you must be a very strong women. I hope you feel better soon and that you will find serenity soon. Glad you stopped by to say HI! Keep in touch.

Laura, I am so sorry things are trying for you right now. Just remember that which doesnt kill us makes us stronger. Things have a way of working out. Years ago my hubby and I were on the verge of divorce and the finality of it hit us both and we slowly worked on our relationship to make it better and stronger than it had ever been. I could not have gotten through the trying times in my life without my husband. I am very thankful that we were able to work things out. I pray that all your issues, medical or otherwise will soon get better for you.
Gi G.
on 6/2/06 2:04 am
on 6/2/06 2:04 am
Wow, Laura, I'm so sorry about the separation and UGH the kidney stone. Were you taking calcium citrate or carbonate? I ask because I read that the carbonate is more likely to cause kidney stones. I guess I better try and eat a banana or potato [haven't had either yet]!
I sure hope they pass quickly without too much pain. And I hope you find the perspective you need to deal with your husband and your future. xosm