My unique wow moment

Gi G.
on 5/29/06 2:52 pm
I think I mentioned that I was going to stop weighing daily, and I did, I just stopped. I had the thought at the time that I would miss it and I made a deal with myself that I could weigh in on Mondays and the 1st of the month. That was sometime last weekend. And except for having to get on the scale at the surgeon's office on Friday, I HAVE NOT gotten on mine. I had my compulsive routine, I'd wake up early, pee, and weigh myself, 2x, sometimes 3x [digital scale, had to be sure] and then I'd WRITE IT DOWN and go back to bed for a bit - sometimes I'd get up again and pee again and check one more time. I'd obsess all day about what I could change in my diet to make the scale do more of what I wanted it to do. But I'm getting in my protein, I'm getting in my water, I've increased activity, I was obsessing over the same thing every day, even though I'm basically doing the right stuff. So I stopped weighing, and I thought it would be hard not to, {sigh}, I still have to pass the scale every morning on my way to the bathroom;) I did take my measurements, though, and there wasn't much of a change there either, and boy, was I disappointed. I thought, maybe I NEED to weigh every day? But I had made a pact with myself not to, so hey, I could hold out a week, right? Tonight I went to FitDay my intake for the day at around midnight and I thought, goodness! isn't today Monday?!? Wow, I FORGOT to weigh, I didn't think about the scale, I didn't care that I didn't weight myself today, and I really don't care about weighing tomorrow, either. WOW, I'm not obsessing about the scale. Hey, good for me! I had a WOW moment! Then I'm standing at the sink just now, doing the dishes and thinking whoo-hoo, I finally have sort of a WOW moment to write about, and well, it's not a traditional 'LOOK - I fit into my daughter's pants'-type wow, but it was MINE and hey, GOOD FOR ME! My mind started thinking about 'traditional' wow kinda moments and what they would be, I dunno, like a smaller size or looser pants, and then I thought about the pants I put on today. They're old beat up stretchy comfy maternity pants that I've worn as 'house pants' thru my 150 lb gain - they're black [well, they WERE black, now they're the color of well traveled city streets], with a zillion bleach spots all over them [my cleaning the bathroom pants] ... and you know what?!? They're BAGGY. Yes, I said it, I realize it, IT'S TRUE, they are all loose around the thighs and butt and they seem longer than they were a few weeks ago ... my stretchy pants are all stretched out but NOT over my skin, just, well, hanging there! Humph! I DO TOO have a real WOW moment, yes I do! My pants are loose, my pants are loose, my pants are loose ... ... and did I mention, I can't even tell you what I weigh today? Wow, someone is going to have to REMIND ME to weigh in on June 1st, and did I mention, MY PANTS ARE LOOSE?
Goshdarnpeople *
on 5/29/06 3:04 pm - ...did I mention it's hot here?, FL
Hey Gigi, You make me laugh. I'm still thinking about the response to the get to know me post you had. Not quite sure what I want to concentrate on, on a space and patience is limited basis. Even a good group of friends can only tolerate so much whineing. My wow moment, today, was that I'm now fitting into clothes that are too small for my mother. Petty, I know, but you have to understand that she's rubbed her being smaller than me (comparitively) in, for years. Thanks for making me laugh, Gosh
Gi G.
on 5/29/06 3:13 pm
GOSH!!!! I mean, geeeeOOOOsh, I love your new pic! "a space and patience is limited basis" If there's enough space and patience on here for me, girl, there's certainly enough for ANYone! Can I remind you that WOW maybe there's hope for me after all;)? I love your WOW moment, when I get down to knowing my actual size, if it's smaller than her, please rub that in her fact too [golly, that was a very Grinch like moment!]. Don't forget to tell her my PANTS ARE LOOSE! LOLOLOL xosm
Goshdarnpeople *
on 5/30/06 2:33 am - ...did I mention it's hot here?, FL
..... but do you suffer from "baggy butt syndrome"? Gosh
Gi G.
on 5/30/06 2:35 am
Sadly, even fat, I suffer from no-butt syndrome - I need cheek implants! xosm
Goshdarnpeople *
on 5/30/06 2:39 am - ...did I mention it's hot here?, FL
... just a "line of demarkation" eh? Gonna get the fanny panties? They have "shaping" undies, that are padded in the rear, to give you curves where you want them to be. Just imagine the fun of explaining that item in the wash, to your family... Gosh
Gi G.
on 5/30/06 2:56 am
Or I could just stick a bunch of chicken cutlets in there. I just got my period ... you don't know HOW MUCH I want to get on the scale right now ... so much for my WOW moment. I think I'm subborn enough not to and did I mention yet, MY PANTS WERE LOOSE! xosm
Goshdarnpeople *
on 5/30/06 3:05 am - ...did I mention it's hot here?, FL
If you season them first, all the neibourhood animals will be after you (man and beast) Men always do think that we ooze food from our pores. STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE There, did that help??? Gosh
Gi G.
on 5/30/06 3:48 am
It didn't even occur to me that I'd be DOG BAIT, but my hubby prefers BEEF so I doubt he'd notice [that is, until I start to ROT]. Oooh, CRAMP! Damn scale! xosm
Elisa *
on 5/30/06 5:10 am - I.V., CA
Congratulations GG on your LOOSE PANTS & staying away from the scale! Avoiding the scale is hard-I try not to weigh everday but I have been guilty of weighing more than 4 times a week. You are doing super . You guys are funny...talking about butt implants & chicken cutlets... Elisa
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