Elisa *
on 5/20/06 2:03 pm - I.V., CA
I'm never taking milk of magnesium matter what the doctor says! Elisa (who can't go out because of a slight problem)
Gi G.
on 5/20/06 2:11 pm
Hugs girlfriend. The first time I took it after WLS I took a full dose and had the same problem. Then I got the s/s of dehydration, so be careful to get in extra fluids [cause dehydration is not to be messed with!] The second time, after my wound got infected and I had been taking codeine for a week, I only took the 'antacid' dose and it didn't work - go figure. I swore I'd have Benefiber every day if it would ensure I didn't have to take MoM again, but ya know what? I haven't. This too shall pass. Feel better and DRINK! xosm
Elisa *
on 5/20/06 2:18 pm - I.V., CA
Thanks GG, this maybe TMI but I'm gonna tell you anyways... I called my pcp about a problem I've been I've been spotting blood when I go and he told me to take MoM for this problem. How is this suppose to help when I have to keep wiping the irritated "spot"? if this continues I might go to the ER--or do you have any other ideas? THanks, Elisa
Gi G.
on 5/20/06 2:33 pm
Well, first off, the poop will eventually work itself all out and you should stop having to wipe so much ... I would think it should start to subside within 24 hours, if it's not then call your doc again. If it's just the runs from the MoM and some irritation - there's not a whole heck of a lot they can do for you at the ER but keep you hydrated. If you DO get dehydrated and are dizzy, faint, weak muscles, fever you MAY need the ER, but I think if you stay on top of the hydration you will be in a better place tomorrow morning. {fingers crossed} Do you have a peri-bottle [or any kind of squirt bottle]? Fill it with warm water [or cool, that might be more soothing] and squirt it on the area INSTEAD of wiping. Wear a pad in your panties to soak up the excess water. OR use a baby wipe [don't flu**** or if you can send someone to the store they make preparation-H or Tucks wipes that have witch hazel in them [I think that's the ingredient] which should soothe you. If you have a hemroid that is irritated, it WILL bleed - it's a very 'thin skin' area with lots of blood vessels. But it should be continuously bleeding, KWIM? [that would be ER-worthy]. A cool rag [wet one and put it in the freezer for a bit if you can tolerate it] to that area may take down some of the swelling too. Hang in there. I really think it will pass once it all works it's way thru your system. You will feel like crap [no pun intended] tomorrow just from not sleeping and losing all the fluids, but if you keep up your drinking and get some rest after the runs stop, you should feel better by tomorrow night. Keep me posted on how you're doing, K? xosm
Elisa *
on 5/20/06 2:38 pm - I.V., CA
OH Thanks a lot GG, I'm gonna try that . I will be back tomorrow and let you know how I feel. Thanks again...have a good night. Elisa
Gi G.
on 5/20/06 2:40 pm
Feel better! xosm
Elisa *
on 5/21/06 6:06 am - I.V., CA
Hellooo GG, I'm still alive ...I feel better today. Thank you so much for helping me out last're my hero ! I was so embarrassed to post about this last night but I was so pissed at the same time...I had to vent. Now, I come back to report and I find, I'm not the only one! Thanks guys for coming out and sharing your experiences...I feel better. Elisa
Gi G.
on 5/21/06 10:39 am
I KNEW you would feel better today! "...I'm going to get feces in my blood stream" No, that kind of thing happens with a perforation in your colon, not a hemorrhoid! "Do those hemmoroids go away?" For most people, yes, it's just an inflammation to that 'thin skin' area that bleeds [can be internal or external]. Once you correct the problem [extra pressure on that area due to weight from obesity or even pregnancy can cause them, constipation, pushing too hard too often, rushing your poop, uh, anal sex] your body should heal itself like with any other irritation or little cut. Most time they can be fixed with changes in diet and bowel habits! Call your doc if the bleeding is constant, you have black tarry stools, you can't poop at all, or you have a fever. OR if tissue that is on the outside of your anus and doesn't get smaller or go away within a week or so of treatment. "Do you know if once you start bleeding, like I have, is that a sign I have hemmoroids?" A hemorrhoid is just a portion of the anal canal that is stretched out of shape and bulges - you may just have rubbed an area of your anal canal 'raw' from the hard poop. I think if you have poop problems like I mentioned over a long period of time your muscles there can become weak and the thin skin can't hold the veins in place anymore. But just if or because you have one doesn't mean it won't go away or it will be serious enough for surgery - so no worries as long as you get your bowels moving nice;) I heard Benefiber works great, I just make sure I hit my fluid targets every day and I've been OK. I have glycerine suppositories on hand in case it happens again, I don't want to take anything orally if I can avoid it cause I'm just as afraid of the runs ... xosm
on 5/20/06 9:10 pm - Kingston, NY
Hey Elisa, hoping that you are feeling better this am. Let me give you a couple of hints, that have worked for me. First off- Get some Preperation H- When you get so sore that you can't even think about wiping again it will help with the swelling. (I carry some in my purse now ! TMI I know! ) Get some wipes- Not Tucks cuz they are just too darn small but whatever kind that you like. They will help you clean up, feel clean and not have to rip yourself raw with TP... I have been using Correctol, I tried all the natural stuff first and got no where ! It seems like when I was getting in my fiber it was just causing me to get "bound up" faster. (Great like I really needed the help with that.) The first time I took it, I took 2 before going to bed and when I got up in the AM my body was ready. Now I take one at night after about 3 days of no BM and it does help out. Also every night I have been taking a stool softener. (I take em at night cuz I figure they stay in my body longer but not really sure if it matters.) I also thought that I was having problems cuz I was eating so much cheese but have cut that out and it seems to not have changed much of anything. So cheese here I come. Whatever you do, try to not "push" too hard. You can do amazing damage to yourself that can cause so many additional problems. Worse comes to worse, consider an enema ( oh yeeeeha that is alot of fun!) But you really would be better off doing that as opposed to causing your "heiny" any kind of serious damage !
Elisa *
on 5/21/06 6:13 am - I.V., CA
Hello Terri! Thanks so much for the advice on this problem. See--what happened was when I got constipated last week (or 2 wks ago don't recall now...) well I "pushed" too--way too hard and that started the bleeding. I know big mistake but I'd never been constipated like that before in my life! Then it only bled everytime I went so I got worried because my hubby told me this horror story about how if I don't see the doctor about it I'm going to get feces in my blood stream. Is that even true? Well, the good news...I feel a whole lot better today . You guys are so caring--- you all!!! Thank you. Elisa
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