WOW Moment!!
I posted this on the main messageboard a week ago, but I forgot to post it here. I was with my sister last Thursday when she got her tragus' (tragi?) pierced, and I was walking out of the tattoo shop when I saw a reflection in the window of the nextdoor shop. I was like, "Shoooot, girl....who is that?!?!" IT WAS ME!!! It was the first time I noticed that I had lost any weight. WEird, huh? I've seen it in my face, I guess, but never anywhere else on my body. My apron gut looks smaller and my butt definitely looks littler. Sweet.
Jen Halliday
Okay, put your finger in your ear, palm side facing front. Feel that hard, triangle-shaped cartiledge? That is your tragus. My sister had both of hers pierced. No joke! I posted this message (or one similar) on the main messageboard, and I replied with a picture, which I cannot do here. This is the link to that previous message, so that you can see a pic of the tragus:,replies/board_id,4856/topic_id,932251/cat_id,4456/a,messageboard/
Hopefully, that works. Mary Jo, lemme know if that answers your question.
Jen Halliday