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Topic: Liver Function Tests
I had my one-year labs last month and my surgeon tells me that my lft's were slightly elevated. He thinks it is probably fatty liver, but wants me to have my pcp check it out. I have an appointment with her on Friday. I've been reading up on fatty liver on the internet since I talked to him last week. It seems one thing that can cause it is gastric bypass surgery.
From what I've read, fatty liver in itself isn't dangerous, but if it becomes inflamed it can lead to problems. Has anyone had this happen to them since they had surgery? There doesn't seem to be much in the way of treatment for it except maybe losing weight (which got me this way in the first place).
I'd be interested in hearing from others who've had this happen to them and what their doctors did about it.
Cathy G.
Topic: NO where near my goal
I don't understand what I did wrong, but I'm no where near my weight goal. I'm having a very hard time getting out of the 200's. I'm doing a very low carb diet and working out as much as I can, without hurting my back. Does anyone know anything about diet pills that can help get me out of the 200's. I would be so happy to reach 190.
It's just not fair that I'm over a year out and No where need near my weight goal. I feel like a loser. [not in a good way]
Sorry to vent. But I just need to let out some steam.
Topic: RE: ouch!!!
well i had them do one leg at a time. i really was in no pain with the surgeries. i just had to stay off my legs for a couple days and no exercise for a couple weeks with each one. no problems.....
Topic: RE: ouch!!!
thanks steph. how did you get by without crutches? i'm concerned about re-injuring the rotator cuffs but don't know how to get around it - no pun intended.
i'll try to enjoy the vicodin. it's definitely a way to morph my world.
have a great week, steph
Topic: RE: ouch!!!
wow...sounds like a good time there dorthe! doctor's have a way of making you feel really calm don't they! i'm glad things went well for you with the surgery though and i hope you recover quickly and all this fixes your problem. i know when i had surgery on both my legs i was hoping to not have to use crutches too...and i didn't thank goodness!! glad you're doing it up on the vicodin while you can!!!
Topic: ouch!!!
so, i had my foot fixed yesterday. some cosmic joke had me on crutches the first day of our big storm and traveling at 6 a.m. to the hospital.
the surgery went well. the gas passer was funny - i made sure to tell him no ng tube because of bypass surgery, he said - what's that? so i explained to him that i had lost 170 lbs. he said - ooooh, you don't look so bad now. at that point i laughed out loud. you know, the kind of laugh where everyone in the vicinity looks up to see what's so funny. the surgeon had not yet read my mri, said something about it being monday morning and that he was out of it. (that didn't make me feel too secure). so i told him to go have his coffee - i could wait til he woke up. he laughed with me and said he'd already had caffeine and i'd be fine.
i fit into a normal sized gown. i got to be on a regular sized or table . and i can actually handle the crutches ok I DON'T WANT TO. but i can when i have to. my foot is throbbing about two beats faster than my heart so i guess i'll go take some more vicodin. good stuff.
so that's my story for monday. i'm off this week, back to work next monday. and will get a cast on my foot this friday. WOOHOO.
have a good one

Topic: RE: calories with exercise
hey there dorthe!! i think i am going to do some trial and error this week. i went and got some apples and peanut butter today. i thought that might be a good pick me up for when i exercise. and yes i LOVE the elliptical. i use it 6 days a week twice a day usually. i just forget i'm doing it sometimes cuz i'll do it while i'm watching a soap opera or a tv show i like and it keeps my mind off doing exercise. it's pretty cool and it burns more calories than doing the walking videos. i needed to increase my cardio exercise anyway....
take care of you!!
Topic: RE: calories with exercise
hi steph:
can't give you any kind of answer re: how much exercise/intake to do but i agree that giving it a week of trial and error is a good idea. you're doing so very well. i'm thinking about an elliptical machine once i can walk again - are you glad you got your's. i was on a treadmill and i think it helped aggravate my foot situation.
have a great week.

Topic: RE: :Sad: PLATEAU @ 1 yr. HELP!Argh...
Kristen, Hi, don't be so hard on yourself...I know the program I'm on we are allowed 3 meals and 3 snacks a day. So don't get too concerned about the snacking. Have you tried eating protein first, like a cheese stick or cutting the carbs? I know if I cut out the crackers or pretzels for alittle while the scales move, go firgure. You will always have your tool for loosing weight, it will never go away, you have done very well with your weight loss, keep you goal in front of you - don't give up. I know with the winter it is harder to get in exercise - I am so looking forward to spring, to be able to walk outside. Take care. Deb k
Topic: RE: calories with exercise
thanks for the info...i'll keep an eye on my weight this week and see how it goes!!