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Topic: RE: :Sad: PLATEAU @ 1 yr. HELP!Argh...
I had lost 124 lbs the first 10 months and then the next two months nothing, up and down the same couple of pounds. I tried not to get discouraged because I knew that my body really needed to get caught up with me. I had never done measurements in the past but decided I would do so. I measured one month later and even though I had not lost any pounds, I lost an amazing amount of inches. You would just not believe it, for instance I lost 7 inches in each thigh and 3 inches in my waist. I was totally amazed, even though my scales had not moved in two months. But I still want to see those darn scales move. I admit I do not exercise, I have the walking tapes I have a treadmill but I so just would rather walk outside. Spring will be here soon. But ladies this is what I did. I have never used protein supplements since I was able to eat regular food, I added two protein supplements per day and I have lost 14 lbs in the last month. I got really constapated to the point where I was impacted but I have dealt with that. But after nothing for two months, it was well worth it. I have lost 138 lbs now with 65 lbs to go. Best of luck to all you wonderful woman
Topic: Where is everyone?
Hi my Feb friends, hoping all of you are doing wonderful. The board has been slow, guess we are all living a full life now
Enjoy your day!

Topic: RE: post ops and drinking with meals
i am going to try to not drink anything for 30 mins after my meals and see if that helps with my hungur...Im sure it will!!
Topic: RE: post ops and drinking with meals
Diane, I have to quit drinking 30 minutes before my meal and wait at least 30 minutes after, I can definitely tell a difference if I don't. Since the hunger is back if I don't wait I get hungry before my next meal.
Topic: RE: New Pic
Diane, you are looking great lady, congratulations.
I need to exercise too, I did get on my sister's elliptical this past week and I'm going to buy one, it's hard but I really like that it works my arms in addition to the lower body.
Topic: RE: home from hospital-had pneumonia
Stephanie, sorry to hear about the pneumonia, I had walking pneumonia and bronchitis a while back and boy does it knock you down. Take care of yourself lady.
As for the boss, I have a great boss but my mother is always saying the same thing when I get sick....she really ticks me off when she says that. I always have allergy problems this time of year that turns into bronchitis, I don't know where she's been all my life
Take things slowly and get your strength up.

Topic: RE: my first real WOW moment.
congrats on your wow moment - I LOVE having those. I carry around before pictures and have had people say - Gee , you don't look like you were ever that heavy.
I hope you do get to the point that you will see a tiny person in the mirror - I think some of us get so hung up on keeping with the program (eating our protean, drinking all our water, exercising like we are supposed to) that we forget to enjoy the new person that we have become - I love looking in mirrors and seeing a thinner, happier person looking back.
Enjoy the new you Natalia - you got a new job, new clothes and a new, tinier & healthier you!!
all the best
Topic: RE: home from hospital-had pneumonia
I wi**** was that easy replacing the employer, but I work for the Social Security Admin, the federal government. In August I'll have 20 years in.
I'm just hoping ignorance doesn't breed ignorance and I'll be taking care of myself first.
Thanks for your thoughts

Topic: RE: home from hospital-had pneumonia
hi stephanie. i'm glad to hear you're feeling better. sorry you're going through a tough patch right now. sounds as though you may need a new workplace, boss, or both.
again, glad you're feeling better. take care of yourself.

Topic: home from hospital-had pneumonia
I'm home from the hospital. I had pneumonia and a bad case of it.
This past week I've lost 5 lbs and I'm a little bit over a year out from surgery. I was pretty run down to begin with since they keep pushing me to try foods and I still have episodes of throwing up.
I work a very stressful job and it makes it difficult with many foods besides the fact that I have damaged stomach nerves from diabetes.
I'm trying to build my system back up so I can feel healthy again.
I actually had an insensitive boss say that "I was doing better fat than thin". How stupid. Sometimes people's ignorance amazes me.
Actually I'm doing so much better and I probably would have had a heart attack to boot if this had happened a year ago.