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Topic: RE: What a day... and it's only 1pm!!
hi marion. you're doing so well. i know i've got to start with the walking some more. i walked some today - we went to the bobblehead twins game and i was able to walk from the parking lot to the waiting line without stopping.
that's better than last year.
and i think my feet are starting to respond to the orthodics, FINALLY.
congrats again, marion. keep up the great job.

Topic: RE: What a day... and it's only 1pm!!
You've done so good. I wish I could lose a bit faster. I swim almost everyday but don't walk too much because of knee and back pain. Keep up the good work and post any tips you come across during your journey.
386/335 -51

Topic: What a day... and it's only 1pm!!
My husband and I went to the park this morning... I walked TWO MILES! I could have probably done another one, but figured since this was my first day of "fitness walking" I'd better not pu**** too much. THEN... we ran by the hospital so I could weigh myself. I've lost 60.1 pounds in 11 weeks! Man, am I happy!
I dropped under a BIG milestone too. On the day of surgery (2/28/05) I weighed in at 407.5 pounds. I AM NOW UNDER 350!!!
Woo Hoo!

Topic: 3-6 month info request/update
has anyone gone for their 3 month and heard from their doctor how they need to modify their habits?
i'm looking for any and all hints about what the next three months should include.
my dr told me to stop grazing. meaning i had been eating too often and not filling up at mealtimes. i'm supposed to concentrate on having at least a 3 or 4 hour break between meals at least twice a day. meaning no caloric intake. jus****er or the equivalent.
anyone else???
hello and congrats to everyone who is doing so, so, so well.
had my 3 month last thursday and i'm down 65 lbs.
happy to be able to at least walk a little.
ready for non-weight-bearing exercise
went from a tight 30/32 to a 22/24.
can't wait to see the real me.
have a great day.

Topic: RE: What's the longest time without loosing weight??
hi brandy:
sounds like you've done and are doing everything correctly. just hang in there and celebrate what you've done so far.
how in the world are you getting 70+ grams of protein in each day. i am always struggling with that.
isn't curves great? i was there over a year ago - before wls - and am considering returning cause it really was a good way to exercise.
finally, maybe staying off the scale would be a good idea. i know it helps me when i step on it less often and see better results.
hope that all helps.
take care.
Topic: RE: what blood work
i went for my 3 month and he gave me a set of lab orders to be done in time for my six month, too. in the meantime, he said i should be on b12, vitamins, calcium, along with my other meds.
hope that helps.
take it easy
Topic: RE: Depressed
hi krystle: i really am sorry you are feeling down. seems like everything is getting you down, and believe me, i've been there. but i think if you look at all this from a slightly different angle, it may help a little.
both of my girls went through all the teasing, bullying, picking on, etc that you're worried about. it wasn't easy and it hurt like the dickens. i had also gone through it all. but i firmly believe it made them stronger. they learned a valuable lesson about the golden rule and how people can be cruel - but they also learned to value themselves for who they are. they're both very intelligent, confident, and reasonably happy people.
I say reasonably because they're still both teens and that's a whole other issue.
i don't really want to sound like a know it all, because we all have our concerns and issues, but give your kids the best gift of all.. the knowledge that they can deal with anything - whether it's fair or not.
good luck, girl. i'll be praying for you.

Topic: RE: I'm afraid I'm not getting enough food
hi vicki:
i'm so sorry to hear you're having troubles. my best suggestion would be to start with broth, then move to runny cream of wheat, then progress to thin mashed potatoes. the whole idea being to stay with bland and gradually increase thicknesses of food.
and i agree with prior posts. work with your doctor and dietician. that's why they're there and they, too, want you to be succeeding.
good luck, girl,
keep us posted, ok?
Topic: RE: Protien Bars?
my guilty pleasure is the south beach bars. they have 20 g of protein and they taste really good. imo. good luck with your RESEARCH.