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Topic: RE: What happened to everybody
Hey I know what you are going through. I have reached my goal but......those darn carbs get me into trouble so often!
I struggle with the same 4 pounds. Up four then down four.
I seem to be eating larger portions and grazing more often. Each week I state that I am going to get back into the groove and end up cheating by lunch time.
One saving grace that I still do very well with is my exercise. I am still walking vigorously 5-7 times a week for about 3 1/2 miles. Its a great start to my morning. The days I don't get out are lousy days that I am so tired.
Well, I can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing. Hope everyone is still visiting this site.
p.s. I finally got some pictures entered into my site!

Topic: What happened to everybody
It seems like the Februarians from 2/05 have been wiped off the face of the earth. I was just wondering how everyone was doing. Me I am struggling. I am 22 lbs away from goal and have not lost anything in probably two months. I know why, too many carbs. I need to get back on track. So how are you all doing???
Topic: RE: Help Please! Need To Get Back on Track!
hey am I there.. I want to loose another 40 too... so that is it.. RE COMMITTED today is a new day.. and I am sayin NO to carbs.. arhhhh...
Good luck to you.. and if you want an accoutnablilty partner.. lets do that for each other..
I wanna win.. this fight.. come on girl.. lets get movin..
Helen aka dodgergirl
Topic: RE: New pics here too!
Wow Krystle!! I am impressed!! You look stunning in that top... very good work!
Angel J

Topic: RE: Where is everyone?
Dana, Thank you my husband went for his 3 month check-up and he is doing so much better. He has lost 53 lbs. and has only 30 lbs to go. I am so proud of him and yes, he is still on insulin it is settling down now and we hope to get his off of it forever.
I am getting ready for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day..this is a 2 mile race, my sons run the race too. I always wanted to do this but was to heavy and out of breathe before to do that. Training is going very well, I am not loosing alot of weight but I'm happy at the weight I'm at, 125lbs.
Miss Dana - you are looking Sexy! I'm sure your husband thinks so too! Take care and truly enjoy the Summer doing all the things you couldn't do before. Bless you for keeping this board going - even when you are so busy. deb k
Topic: RE: I've been approved by Cigna!!!!!!!!!1
Hi, I have way been MIA for a long time from this board, though lurk on the ohio board and sometimes the general message board. I continue to do well, feel well, I can't say my weight loss has stopped, but it has slowed considerably. I go for weeks/month without any change then decrease suddenly, which is fine with me, I try not to obscess about the weight. Don't feel like I probably get enough exercise, though did do a 5 mile walk Saturday for the March of Dimes WalkAmerica. I couldn't have done that before surgery!!! Glad to hear that everyone has their life back. Isn't it great? Take care-I think spring is FINALLY here!!! Chris
Hi Aly, The best way to get a jump start is go back to what worked in the beginning. Remember Protien "FIRST" and plenty of "WATER" , this may mean get back on protien shakes and get the protien up to what your Dr. said to stay at. Get moving - even if it is just a walk, you have the tool forever it never goes away like the many diets we have been on. You can do this and the weight will come off, Good Luck and let us know how you are doing. By the way don't be too hard on yourself we have all strayed one time or another. You are very smart to ask for help before you gained weight or just gave up. Take care..deb k
Topic: RE: gained 5 pounds in 3 days????
I think blood pressure meds help by reducing fluid retention. It's probably just fluid retention and if it doesn't go up any higher that's not a bad thing.
Topic: RE: Help Please! Need To Get Back on Track!
hi aly:
i wish i could help. since my foot has been in this cast i have not been able to exercise, nor weigh myself. i try to stick with oatmeal for breakfast, with nuts added. 3 oz meat and 2 oz cheese for lunch. and about 4 oz meat and a spoonful of veggies at supper. in between i might have a sf fudgsicle, soy nuts or mixed nuts, coffee or sf hot choc.
but i'll know in a couple weeks how i'm doing. that's when the cast comes off and i can begin to move again.
good luck with your fresh start, aly.

Topic: Help Please! Need To Get Back on Track!
Hi All-
I have gotten off track, and still need to lose 40 lbs to get to goal. Admittedly, I have not been exercising and eating like I should. I will be !signing up for Curves soon.
Can someone please supply me with an example of what they eat on a daily basis that facilitates continued weight loss?
Also, can someone supply me with the "boost" program to get me back losing again?
Thank you!