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Topic: RE: Photo Update
You look fabulous!!! I also loved reading your goals. It was inspiring!
Topic: RE: How much can you eat?
I had my surgery on 2/15/05 and I guess I still don't eat very much I skip breakfast 95% of the time I don't do lunch very often either and I don't much snack. Yesterday I had a 1/2 lean cuisine lasagna. The day before that I had a bowl of bean and bacon soup. Today I have had a few bites of chicken (did'nt go over very well) and i just had a bowl of bean and bacon soup. I think I get hungry about every 3 days. Some days I eat a little more but i think I am still on about 5 to 6 hundred calories a day. I drink water and coffee and when I am on the road I drink sf energy drinks that i let go mostly flat first. They have alot of vitamins in them.
Topic: RE: Photo Update
You've changed for the better! I love seeing new pictures, especially from folks who had surgery around the same time as me
Keep posting em!
284/216/155 ish

Topic: Photo Update
I put more pics on my site, and updated my progress and goals. Click the www below to check them out.