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Topic: RE: Stretch your pouch
Thanks so much for your reply. I do still think about it but I am trying to concentrate on excercise and eating right. You are right. My nutrionist did tell me that she was glad I was worried about it. That way I should not over eat!!
Thanks again. Have a great day
Topic: RE: hair loss????
I too have been losing hair, lots of it. My hair is naturally VERY thick, but lately it is looking limp. My ponytail is half it's normal thgickness. I talked to my surgeon about this when I saw himj last week. He told me to do three things. #1 increase protein to 75+g a day, #2 take 1 zinc tablet daily, #3 take 1 biotin tablet daily.
He also said that the loss will stop in 3-4 months, but that taking these extra vitamins/nutrients will decrease it. I hope this helps.
Topic: RE: hair loss????
I used to have super thick hair, and now it is like a normal persons. I lost it in clumps a week ago, and I freaked out a bit. I used a trick that I have used since I was a kid. I visuallized my scalp closing tightly around the hair, and holding it in. It seems to be working because I haven't lost any (well, no more than normal) hair loss this week.
It's worth a try for you. Mind over body
Topic: RE: hair loss????
I have been experiencing thinning of my hair recently. I am told that it happens to all of us and that after about 6 months it will slow down and the hair will grow back...I hope so!
Topic: hair loss????
Has anyone started to loose any hair yet? I have started to get a lot come out in my hands when I shampoo or brush my hair. I'm a hair dresser so when I say I am losing hair I'm not exaggerating

Topic: RE: Stretch your pouch
I don't think you could have stretched your stomach that much in such a short time. I think you should focus more on your life-long changes like excercise for more results.
Also, I'm not sure if it is realistic to think you will continue to lose 20 pounds a month. From my readings 10-12 ounds is more realistic. You may want to check with your doctor about your expectations.
Good Luck!
Topic: RE: grouchie pouchie...
You beat me to posting this question. I too still have a hard time eatting. It seems like my pouch only wants to handle food every two out of three times. Like you, I had a stricture that was dialated twice around the same time.
Please let me know if you've done anything that works well for you.
Topic: RE: Help!!!
Hang in there. I think we've all been there. It will change. I like to watch the scale too becuase it gives me more black and white re****s. So when it isn't changing I go to the measuring tape for those black and white results. How many inches have you lost recently?
Topic: RE: Updated profile
Wow! You don't even look like the same person. Congratulations and keep up the good work!