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Topic: RE: hair loss????
Hey Ginny,
Since you have already colored AND highlighted your hair then keep your appointment with your hairdresser and see what she thinks. The color will give you more body but it also dries out your hair will cause breakage, so the layers might be a good thing. Use a good shampoo and conditioner.

Topic: RE: hair loss????
Hi Corina,
Yes the boards have been a way for me to know what is normal so i am not calling the dr every time something new occurs. My hair appt is for Sat. and now that I have to wonder if I should just get a trim rather than layering. Its all pretty much one lenght right now. I colored it today and threw in some highlights so maybe it will feel thickened with the color. I still have wet hair so don't know yet.
Topic: RE: hair loss????
Well I guess it has been about 100 days give or take a few. Having everyone at about the same pace is nice, because I can see I'm normal ...that's why this Feb. board is so good. How is the layering of your hair working? Layering has always been a good way to thin your hair...but sometimes with thick hair it gives you body to layer it. I guess it could go either way.
Topic: RE: hair loss????
Oh yes loosing lots...was loosing daily prior to surgery when drying and brushing it. I have very long hair and its looking rather wimpy. I made an appt to have it layered on Sat. I hope I'm making the right decision. Been taking 2500 mcg of biotin for years before and after surgery. I was told about 100 days out to expect this so I was prepared mentally but it doesn't make it any easier.

Topic: RE: hair loss????
Oh, yeah comming out in fistfulls! I had thick hair so I don't worry so much. If it gets really bad I will consider cutting my hair, but for now, the loss is tolerable. I have new pictures posted on my profile.
284/209/155 ish
Topic: RE: hair loss????
Thanks Y'all,
I guess I will just hang in there the mean time I will concentrate on a tight scalp, up my protein and try the Zink.
I went to the Juice+ site and it looks like great stuff...I will use your number Janice when I order.
Topic: RE: 4 Month Anniversay Today
Thanks Janice, I feel wonderful. Congratulations on your success to, you are doing great!
Topic: RE: 4 Month Anniversay Today
Feel great doesn't it!!! Way to go!! You are doing great. You look wonderful what a difference.
258/195/145 my goal
Topic: RE: hair loss????
I have very thick hair so I always lose a lot when I wash or bru**** However the past few weeks it has been a lot worse. I take biotin and eat oatmeal and get in my protein and vitamins but still losing. I read on another post that a lady took a product called Juice plus and it helped her. Well coincidently I had just signed up to start selling Juice plus (and taking it for myself) when I read this so I was quite excited about it. I've started taking it so I will let you know how it goes if anyone is interested. Juice plus is a great product that helps us get in our fruits and veggies without eating them since we can't possibly eat enough of them. It has the sugar removed so it is safe it's also gluten free. They have a website juice plus .com If you order please use my name Janice Ridgeway and number 918-665-0777 as your representative. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me and I can send you information. It's a great product I just hope it helps with my hair loss.I love my hair.It's the one thing I've always been happy about myself.
258/195/145 my goal