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on 6/22/06 1:22 am - St Charles, MO
Topic: RE: 2 weeks and No New Post
hey miss dana. i'm doing well also. i guess i've been posting mainly on the main board but you're right, our board is dying!! nothing much going on around here really. trying to get my sister's wedding plans together. keeping up on my workouts too!! i'm maintaining between 143-145 and i too can eat quite a bit more than i thought i would. i'm not worried about it though. i think i work out enough that i'm probably not eating more than i should. i don't eat larger amounts but i have started to add snacks in. i'm having trouble keeping my blood sugar elevated so i have to eat more frequent meals. my blood pressure is still staying really low. the only thing i have to complain about my health is some female issues but i think we've got that figured out now and this crazy vertigo. but i'm adapting! that's it for me!! Steph
on 6/21/06 11:33 pm
Topic: 2 weeks and No New Post
Ok, my fellow February surgery buddies, what is everyone doing? The board is so slow, almost looks like it is dying . Let's try to post some more, let everyone know how you are doing! I'm doing pretty good, having some female issues I need to get resolved, bad pap and heavy cycles. Go back next month to see my GYN and see what route to go. I'm just ready to have a hysterectomy and get it over with. Weight wise I'm maintaining between 121-124, do find myself with more challenges the further out I am.....I've tested the waters so to speak and don't dump so I'm having to be careful with my choices. I'm amazed how much more I can eat now and that I get hungry.....I know it isn't a whole lot but when you consider 1 year ago I was only able to eat 1/2 - 1 oz at a time and now I can eat 2-4 oz (depending on density) it scares me. Well I knew I'd face challenges, now to deal with choices. I don't want to go back, I won't. Hugs, Dana
on 6/9/06 4:11 am
Topic: RE: mn's newest biker babe
Congratulations Dorthe, I know you'll be having lots of fun on the bike, isn't life grand . Hugs, Dana
dorthe H.
on 6/8/06 12:09 pm - farmington, MN
Topic: mn's newest biker babe
i passed by the skin of my teeth but i passed. so did both of my daughters but i intend to practice a heckuva lot more before i hit any real roads. so for right now it's parking lots for me. thanks for all the good wishes, prayers, positive thoughts, etc... sam took a spill in class but she's ok. carroll's score was much better than mine. BUT I PASSED !!! have a happy friday. dorthe
Deb K
on 6/7/06 12:15 am
Topic: RE: we only fall so we can learn how to get up - RIGHT???
Dorthe, Hi I hope you are doing better since your daughter's fall. I don't think they make enough cotton to soften the falls. I know you all are being careful, I will continue to pray all goes well at school and the driving gets easier. I understand you to say you will be needing more surgery, could it be that like me or most of us we take care of others before we take care of ourselves, take heart you will be back to your old self before you know it, then the excitment begins when you get the tummy tuck and butt fix you really want. Keep healthy...good luck on school and riding. God bless deb k
dorthe H.
on 6/4/06 8:14 am - farmington, MN
Topic: we only fall so we can learn how to get up - RIGHT???
a little reassurance, here, please. we start class tomorrow evening and get on the motorcycles on tuesday night. in the past week, our almost new bike has taken two dives. last tuesday i brought the bike to a total and complete stop successfully but didn't get my foot on the ground quickly enough. so i fell over. in front of my husband and all his neighborhood riding buds. DAMN. they all thought it was hilarious, once they knew i was ok. on friday night my 19 yr old hit the throttle instead of the brake. she was only going about 5 miles an hour, but ran into her parked car in our driveway and flew over the front - superman style - landing on her face, forearms, chest and tummy. thankfully she had her helmet on. she's only a little banged up and will be ok once the bruises and road rash are gone. we were giving her crap about which insurance she should go to. motorcycle, auto, health, or homeowners because she ended up getting an ambulance ride to the hospital as well as a CT scan cause her tummy hurt. again, she'll be ok. but we're all slightly more tentative after that. seeing our eldest on the stretcher and then in the emergency room is a truly sobering sight. we had half a dozen police cars, a fire truck, and an ambulance here. GULP. so today i got out on the motorcycle, went a mile or so, came back, rode on the bicycle. the motorcycle is way more comfortable, i just gotta take it really slow. mon thru thurs i'm off work at 4:30 and in class from 5:30 - 9:30. wish us luck. i doubt i'll be writing before the end of the week, but will let y'all know what happens. oh yeah - i also found out i need ANOTHER surgery. the problem i'm having with bm has become worse. i have a rectocele, which the proctologist tells me is a large hernia, on the wall between my vagina and my rectum. won't go away, won't get better, can't be fixed any way other than surgically. in june i'll be having a more complete look at my pelvic region to make sure that's all that's wrong. in july i'm gonna see a plastic surgeon, in the hope they can do a panni along with the butt fix, since i'm having horrible backaches again. but that's not gonna happen before the end of summer. on my 'laundry list' of physical complaints - the back ache is the next thing to attend to. sorry this is so long. guess i've been waiting to post for awhile now. everybody have a great week. again, wish us luck. dorthe
Deb K
on 5/31/06 1:12 am
Dorthe...You Go Girl.....That is so Cool! You are braver than me, give me a truck and now you are talking! I like alittle more metal around me when I'm out there. You will get unstuck once you get able to move - remember you still have your tummy tool! TAke care and enjoy this new found freedom and have a wonderful summer. deb k
on 5/30/06 11:47 pm - Holbrook, NY
Topic: RE: Can anyone besides me use some accountability?
Mine has S L O W E D down so much!! My clothes are fitting so much looser...due to my working out but no weight is coming off!! I am going to try adding more water to my day!! Lisa 371/186/140
on 5/30/06 2:16 am
Congratulations Dorthe on riding the motorcycle. Glad you got back on the bike and relearning again....I'm sure you'll enjoy lots of outdoors this summer. Dana
on 5/30/06 2:13 am
Topic: RE: Can anyone besides me use some accountability?
Hey Ms. Pat, I agree I need the accountablity. I'm finding more carbs creep in and I have to put the breaks on more frequently. I started drinking more water last week, over 100 oz a day, and it's really helping me a lot. I was catching myself thinking about food constantly from the time I woke up til I went to bed. It was driving me , since I'm drinking more, I don't think about food, I'm having to make myself eat again....thought I'd share with you that might help you. Hugs, Dana PS I lost 3 lbs in 3 days with extra water .
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