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Topic: How much weight have we lost?
Hi everyone, thought is would be fun to see how much weight we have lost as a group. We are getting close to being 6 month post-ops so let's see how much total weight we have lost.
Add your weight loss to the previous post for a total. I'll start from my highest weight at consult to today since I lost 21 lbs before surgery.
I've lost 103.5 lbs since January 14th.

Topic: RE: New to this board
Hi Dawn, welcome to the February message board. You are doing great congratulations 
Lap RNY 2-21-05

Topic: RE: What amazes you?
I agree with the other posters Sheila, this is a great question.
I am going to agree with you, I am truly amazed how easy and relaxed I feel when I cross my legs. It is also amazing how easy it is to tie my tennis shoes. Before I had to huff and puff and pull my leg up tie them. Now I can bend down and still breathe.
Lap RNY 2-21-05
Topic: RE: What amazes you?
what an excellent question.!!!
where to begin?
i've lost over 110 pounds now, in just a little over five months.
i don't need the seat belt extender in my car
i can comfortably clean myself - everywhere
i can sit in a bathtub
i can polish my toenails myself
i can WALK through the entire grocery store
i can do a flight of steps
i've gotten rid of all my 30-32 clothes
when i tried on a 26-28 shirt it was too big
i fit into a regular sized stadium seat at the ball game
i could walk around the water park at the dells most of the day
went to the movie theatre and fit into their seats as well
when i look in the mirror my first reaction is 'where's the rest of me?"
i'm so used to 'my tool' that i've only had one tummy ache this month
life is good and i'm planning for the aging process,
i didn't used to think i'd live that long
i now talk to my daughters about the future with me in it
i was able to stand through my dad's funeral
i'm seriously thinking about driving a motorcycle next year
i come home from work and have enough enery to do something
my kids and husband are losing weight, too
i can see my dimple when i smile
which is alot more frequently these days
i could go on and on. suffice it to say that life is good, this surgery has been extremely healing, and thank God for the ability to start anew.
hope everyone has a good day
Topic: RE: PCP against WLS
I know exactly how you feel. My PCP was all for the surgery and very excited for me and said that he had several patients who had the surgery and they were all doing great. I then had to do my 26 weeks of supervised wl for ins. approval and my doc. went out on medical leave and I was forced to see the PA once a month for 6 months. It was one of the worst experiences I have ever been through. He is also against the surgery (one of those people who have never had a weight problem
so he just couldn't understand why I just couldn't lose the weight myself. And would often tell me how much the ins. co. was going to have to spend for the surgery, etc. Praise God that my doctor came back for my last appointment and was able to write the approval letter for the insurance co. It's been over a year and I refuse to see or talk to the PA, but I love my PCP to much to leave, so I just insist on seeing the doc.
Ignorant people are just so

Topic: RE: What amazes you?
DITTO, DITTO, DITTO, to what everyone has said. I especially love the fact that I can cross my legs now and fit so nicely behind the wheel of the car with EXTRA room and now I have all of this extra room in the seatbelt.
Also when my husband gave me a hug yesterday he said, "Wow, you are getting so much smaller". Life is great 80 lbs. lighter. I can't imagine what it will be like another 70 lbs. lighter (thats my goal anyway).
Life is good and getting better

Topic: RE: What amazes you?
What amazes me the most is that I can shop at "NORMAL PEOPLE" stores. Today there was an AMAZING sale at JCPENNY and normally, I would just mop...(is that how that's spelled?!) around the store thinking how it sucks I can't fit into anything there!
I think their biggest size was a 16 or 18 there...but your lucky to find those sizes. Today, I bought stuff actually on sale for like under $4.00!!! Two jackets, size 4 and SMALL and a dress shirt size 6(but when I got home, it was TOO BIG!!!). I was amazed to find that the LARGE's were all TOO BIG!
UNBELIEVABLE... it's just unbelievable. I still don't believe my eyes when I'm looking at these sizes.
PRE-OP pants super tight 18/20
5 MO POST-OP pants tight 10, AND loose 12
POST-OP SHIRT 4 and 6!!!
Lap Last
rny 2.16.05
Dr. Nazarian f.a.c.s.
237/161/115...that's what both my sisters weigh anyway!!!
Topic: RE: New to this board
Congrats to all of you for your weight loss looks like we are all on track and doing well...I really never thought i'd see the day I would be losing the weight...
Topic: RE: Sorry to butt in, but...
Read this post and it totally shines a light on what we are supposed to be doing. I think I like what you said Angie about the 80-100 grams of pprotein in one day who knows how much we are actually absorbing. My doctor recommended 50-70 grams a day. I am very good at getting this and will make it my new goal to do the 80-100.
Thanks for the post that is why I like OH.
Topic: RE: New to this board
Hello Dawn...welcome to the February 2005 Board..I'm kinda new to it myself, but I really enjoy it here with people that are at the same stages as me.
Congrats on your weight loss-you're doing great! Today makes 5 months for me, and I have lost 89 pounds.
Well, I look forward to hearing more from you!