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Topic: RE: Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Maybe its not necessarily memory loss but as you first stated in your posting you now have alot going on in your life.
I know that even prior to surgery, when I would have alot of stressful things coming at me, my brain would go into overload and selectively decide what it would retain and what it was giving up to keep the other information in there.
I still go through this phase often because I have more going on in my "now active" lifestyle.
Aren't pens, pencils and post it's great! I would seriously be lost without them.

Topic: RE: gained 32lbs in 4mths
I feel for you. I go through some of the same problems with sweets. My only saving grace is that I still walk everyday about 3 1/2 miles (briskly). When I have days when I don't get out there, I find that I gain 3 pounds easily.
Are you on any type of exercise program? If not, start small and increase it. This will boost the metabolism so that these sugar surges will be less noticeable.
I have swedish fish talking to me often!

Topic: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
Yeahhhhh! Again, I have been approved for a tummy tuck by my insurance company! I am so excited! I will be having it done on July 13th in the same hospital that I had by Gastric Bypass surgery. I will have a couple of weeks to recouperate and then off to Las Vegas for a well needed vacation.
I then start a new job upon my return!
Lots of well-needed changes! Wish me luck and say a prayer for me!

Topic: RE: Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Krystle, you say your labs are fine. What is your B-12 number? Low B-12 will cause memory loss. I've read where many labs show between 200-800 normal and for a normal person it is. For us as WLS patients I have heard it's best to keep our B-12 levels above 1000. Mine was 2000+ at my last labs a couple of weeks ago so I did lower my dosage from 1500 mg to 1000. Might try increasing your B-12 to see what happens.
Topic: Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Hey guys, its been awhile since Ive been on here. It looks like were all doing good though, just not as much posting. Probly b/c were so busy living now!
Anyway, my question is this: Is anybody else experiencing short term memory loss? I swear sometimes I feel like Im 90 and Im only 24! Prime example of what Im talking about is going to dial my mothers phone number, which I do EVERY DAY and have for a long time, and I couldnt remember the number! Or going to the next room to get something and once I get there it takes me a minute of staring blankly to figure out exactly what I came to get.
My labs are great, everythings where it should be. My weights a little low, Im 116 and 5'6, but Im working to get back to 125. I take my vitamins religously, get in all my water plus some, doing good on eating, its drivin me nuts! I know that I know these things (does that even make sense? lol) but it takes a lot of thinking to remember these little things. I'm a busy active mom to two girls (5&6) and I like to keep on a halfway decent schedule, its getting harder to do when I cant remember where I put the peanut butter!
Ive got an appointment with my doc, so I'm going to be sure to mention this to her. I just wanted to see if its just me going crazy here!
Well, thanks to anybody that responds. And everybody keep up the great work!
260ish/116 (too low I know)/125
happy, healthy, active, but losin it!
Topic: RE: gained 32lbs in 4mths
hi star:
please don't feel all alone. we're all struggling with our former selves. i found myself falling into some nasty habits, too, cause i have to have more surgery. i know it's not the thing to do. i will refocus on protein, too. and i hope that the answers from the other posters will help. remember, we're all human. good luck.
Topic: RE: gained 32lbs in 4mths
Star Starz, ditch the non-nutritional junk. You need protein, we all need protein. Remember as a new post-op how motivated you were? Find that motivation again and get back to've come to far to fall backwards now.
Focus on the Pouch Rules for Dummies, start tracking your food intake ( is free), drink a minimum of 64 oz of water, exercise at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.
Get the other posters said, being involved in support will help keep you on track. Talking to others that have "been there, done that" and can offer you insight will bring you back around.
I'm on several other on-line support groups besides OH and the live support group at the hospital I had surgery at. This journey won't get easier, the further out we get the more challenges we face as hunger is there.....our resolve sometimes lacks and we fall back into our pre-op ways. At 2-3-4 years many WLS patients are finding themselves up 20-30-40-50 lbs......unless the tool is broken there really isn't a reason to go there. Be proactive and stop the old ways NOW.
Do you weigh often? I'm an everyday weigher, I allow myself up only 3-5 lbs and then I'm back to protein only with lots of water to help curb my appetite.
You may want to try the plateau buster diet, which is essentially protein only for 10 days. You are carb and sugar loading, the minimum I recommend is going protein only for 3-5 days, whatever it takes you to NOT crave carbs. Then slowly add back in healthy carbs (vegetables), no white carbs.
I also believe the South Beach diet is good and will work well for us. I recently bought the book, the Phase I is basically protein loading with good fats added only.
Some suggestions for protein: lean chicken, beef and pork, shrimp, crabs, tuna, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, yogurt, beef jerkey.
Best wishes, remember you had surgery to be healthy and feel good......don't go backwards, you deserve the happiness you've found since your WLS.
PS I would also like to suggest you get the book "Life is Hard, Food Is Easy" by Linda Spangle. I just started reading it and it's a great resource to deal with head hunger vs. real hunger, emotional eating, and such.
Topic: RE: gained 32lbs in 4mths
Good Morning, Star! Do you attend any support groups? I highly encourage you to find one and go. Something about being around other WLS'rs helps a whole lot. I try to make the PFAMOS one in Round Rock at least monthly.
I know it can be hard but you have come a long way and have worked so hard to get where yo uare, you just HAVE to somehow gain control back. Try going for a walk, or calling a friend. Anything to get your mind off food.
I live in Taylor, NE of Austin. I work in Round Rock. If you'd like I'm game to meet somewhere and hang out. Staying busy is really a good defense!
I exercise 5-6 days a week, horse back ride 1-2 times a week, take a class at the Y once a week and try to get out with friends at least once a week. I just know myself, if I sit around bored for too long I end up grazing!
I have lost 150 pounds, I'm at goal and my plastic's are even finished. It has been so worth every fight! Food is NOT worth it! I promise you.
If you'd like to get together email me privately and I'll send you my phne #'s.
Hugs! Susan
Topic: RE: gained 32lbs in 4mths
Hi Star Starz....first thing you should do is get in touch with your dietician, and don't feel like a failure, we all get off track sometimes. Do you attend support groups? This will help you stay accountable...which helps. Get rid of all the junk you have in your house and don't buy it anymore, you have to change your stinkin thinkin! Healthy is the way to go....get out there and walk! If depression is a problem for you go to your Dr. and get some help, this too can happen after surgery...also find a hobby you like to do that will get you moving...I hope this has helped you. You can take control and keep telling yourself that...take care , deb k
Topic: gained 32lbs in 4mths
help I just keep on gaining weight because all I eat is sweets candy icecream cookies, chips, crackers, cheese, peanut butter, some times a meal. I just graze alot and it shows it's so hard to gain control . eat these things even when not hungry mainly cuz i'm bored and to lazy to do anything . please help I need some form of advice that can help please :.(