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Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
I fit in the bathtub with room on the sides so the water can splash around. I also can wear skirts and cross my legs. I love that my clothes come out of the dryer and still fit. I was with Lisa - not dry anything or it would not fit again. I can have cleavage without bilowing out the top. The list goes on and on. boy am I grateful. Sarah
Topic: RE: 5th Month, How is it going for you?
Hi Ruth,
I am down 53 lbs and I'm somewhat disappointed at the slow weight lost.
I too can eat whatever I want with the exception of foods that are high in sugar..cake, ice cream etc..
I am not as committed to excercising but I have decided today I will excercise daily. Hopefully this will help me start to losing weekly.
You are doing great! Good luck with Curves..
Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
I can cross my legs.
I can sit in any chair and not worry that I am going to break it....or not fit!
I found out that I have collar bones.
I found out that I CAN dry my clothes in the dryer and it doesnt shrink everything that I own....

(I used to hang dry my clothes so that they would I throw them in the dryer so that they WILL shrink!!!)

Topic: RE: Centenial update
Congratulations, Robin! You are a proud member of the Century Club!
Duodenal Switch (DS) 02/12/05
-93 big lubs
5'10" - 348/255/165

Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
I am now the proud owner of a Gumby Butt.
Duodenal Switch (DS) 02/12/05
-93 big lubs
5'10" - 348/255/165

Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
I now realize that when I sit on bleachers at a sporting event, it HURTS more and they are alot colder too! I never noticed this before.

Topic: RE: Got a great compliment today
Woo Hoo Steph, congrats on the wonderful compliment. It is amazing how quickly our body changes and our health improves after WLS.
Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
I've lost my hiney (ouch it hurts), flat as a pancake
. On a good note I have bones I never new existed.