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Topic: Moving on!
Hi everyone...I have missed all the activity on this board...I know everyone is busy enjoying their new life - I rejoice with you all. I have been hanging out with the grad's site - check it out on the main page. It has helped with my fear of gaining weight! What my pouch size is and am I eating too much. There is so much to learn - from those that are farther out then me. I will be checking out this site from time to time but like I said I will be hanging at the grad's site. Have a wonderful summer & God bless. deb k
Topic: RE: Lost 109 lbs least 100 more to go.
Hi Loretta,
I lost 115lbs and stopped....I know its because I can eat carbs again....I try not to but its hard....I feel great and I know I want to lose another 50 to 60 more but If I don't and as long as I don't gain I am very happy with what I have lost.....
Topic: Lost 109 lbs least 100 more to go.
I suppose everyone else has made their goals, but I just wanted to say I'm still trying. Anyone else a slow loser?

Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
Congrats on your approval! It's the frosting on the cake. I just had a circumference TT whi*****luded a butt lift June 2nd and I'm so pleased though I am still recouperating. I was sent home the following day since I didn't have a bit of pain. I haven't been able to do much but relax to be honest. My surgeon really pulled my skin so tight sometimes I am afraid to bend or sit which I was not allowed to do for 2 weeks with my procedure but it looks awesome and swelling is going down. Just don't lift anything or be on your feet too long. I am 2.5 hrs away from my surgeon and for the first 3 weeks I have to travel there 3 times which was uncomfortable...once to have drains removed, the following week every other staple removed and a week later the rest of the staples removed so its not such a fast recoup. Next procedure for me is a breast reduction/lift very soon. I think he will give me my date when I see him on the 12th.
I see you are from Pa. I am from Pa, living in So West Florida for 10 yrs now. Good luck and keep us posted.
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
Congratulations Diana! I hope you are as happy with your results as I am with mine. I look and feel like a normal person. I can wear a bikini if I want now!!!! All my scars are barely visible. The ones in my armpits (thats the only incision she had to do, I didnt need to have it cut past the armpit) are practically gone youd have to be pretty close to see them, and I dont think many people are gonna be stickin their nose in there lol! Same with my breast, theyre a little more prominent, but not much, I think its more b/c I know theryre there. My husband and one of my good friends(who is a woman) tell me that they only see them when I point them out and even then they have to get pretty close. Tummy tuck scar is faded completed on the sides of my hips, I dont have any problems with dog ears or anything. Along the top of my bikini line the scar is still visible, but its so low that extremely low rise thongs hide it. I think with a little more time its gonna practically disappear like the others. I can tell it does seem to be lightening, just at a much slower pase
That woman got every piece of excess skin she could. Its been 8 months and everythings still as tight and perky as week one post op (of course my boobs have dropped and sofened and look natural again though) and Id do it all over in a minute for the self esteem its given me.
I hope you had as easy a recovery as I did. I had my tummy tuck with muscle tightening, lolipop breast lift with silicone implants under the muscle, and limited incision arm lift at the same time in November and within a week or two I was back to practically normal. I felt good but I had to keep myself from doing too much so I wouldnt damage anything since the it takes awhile even after the pains gone for everything to get normal. Luckily my pain was VERY limited. I didnt even have to stay over nite at the hospital even though I had prepaid to. I felt to good to just sit in a hospital so I came home to my recliner and recooped and it was all good! The third day was the only day I had real pian, but it was my fault, I bent too low and gave my daughter a big hug. But she was worth it and the pain pill fixed it all lol!
Okay, it must be my rambling day or something. Im talking my head off to anybody that will listen, and know I'm typing to anyone that will read lol!
Good luck again hun, things are gonna go great!

Topic: RE: Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Diana, thank you for responding and good luck on the plastics! They make a world of difference to your self esteem more than anything!
You know I hadnt even though about that being a possibility, but you could very well have something there. Thanks!
And yes, I carry a purse size notepad and 3 or 4 pens with me EVERYWHERE! Im always writing things, problem is sometimes I forget to go back and look at it lol!
Maybe I should get one of those voice recorders (you know the small ones) and try it out. Hmmm..... I think I'll try that now and keep doing notes and see if the combo helps.
Thanks again! This is such a great board. I always get wonerful support and advice from you guys!
((((((BIG HUGS))))))))
Topic: RE: Memory Loss? Anybody else??
Hey Dana, My b12 was great too.I cant remember the number (of course lol) but he did tell me that it was on the high end and where he wanted it along with protein, cholesterol, the nice long list that requires them to suck you dry lol!
My doc said I was the healthiest person hes seen in a long time, so thats at least a relief. I guess the exersize is working out, even though I just got approval from my ps to go back to my normal routine as long as I start very slow and very light with the weights for a few months.
Thanks for the idea though. Thankfully my doc is OVERLY thorough in his exams with me, which is fine by me. It may take a little more time and sometimes money, but if theres something that goes wrong hes gonna find it as soon as he can so it can be taken care of. Thats part of the reason I picked him, besides the fact that hes very updated on RNY and was actually reccomended by my surgeon. I was already using him though so that made me feel even safer.
Well now Im rambling, I seem to do that more too lol!
Thanks again Dana. I appreciate any help/advice I can get. Youre always there for everybody and its so great to have you on these boards!
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
Diana, congratulations on the TT approval.....I need to begin pursuing my plastics but I know more than likely I'll be denied. I work for a small co. and in Texas insurance companies don't even offer these types of options to employers. I'm afraid to even try because I know I'll be so disappointed. I'm trying to save $$$$ right now so I think I'll wait til I'm close to having enough saved, will try the insurance and then pay if needed.
Best wishes on your surgery, prayers will be going up for you for a great outcome and minimal pain.
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
Thanks for encouraging words. Good luck to you not only getting your plastics but also on the baby quest.
I have been in your boat too. It took my husband and I five years to get pregnant with our first (I now have three boys!). Keep positive and know that the Lord is looking upon you and will make things happen, but in his time.
Best Wishes,
Topic: RE: Tummy Tuck for the Summer
good luck to you diana!! congrats on the surgery you lucky woman! i wish i could get mine approved...i'm working on it though. keep us updated on your recovery!!
350/145 (5'8")