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on 8/3/05 5:05 am - Tooele, UT
Topic: RE: Cheating VS. Guilt!
Dorthe - I just went to your site. You look terrific. I enjoy your postings. Kate - I also deal with the cheating or guilt issue. I eat popcorn and potato chips occasionally (only a few) and feel as if I am cheating. I keep thinking the scale will go up - hasn't yet. I guess it is part of the reason I needed the surgery was that my brain and metabolism does not react or work like everyone else's when it comes to food. I have to write things down and keep track of my food, exercise etc so I can stay on track. Other wise MY CRAZY THINKING will get the best of me. Sarah
on 8/3/05 4:59 am - Tooele, UT
Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
My check up is the 16th - hope to get to 180's by my apt. Are we supposed to have blood work at 6 months. I went and got a B12 shot this week. I will let you know the results. Sarah 266/192/140
Melissa P.
on 8/3/05 3:59 am - Ford City, PA
Topic: RE: What's new about YOU !?
Life is good. There is so much new with me, and I have not been around much, so I am apologizing. I am almost six months out, and I started out at 255. I have lost 50 inches, and 95 pounds. New, ... I can ride horses, and have my butt get sore, and yeah I do have butt bones. LOL. Crossing legs is a breeze,... Jumping up and getting a kid in need is simple these days... ANNNNNNND..... having my husband run up to me in the front yard, pick me up and swing me around like I am a doll... OH that was a tremendous WOW moment. Clothes, they are so big so fast, so there are new clothes coming in, and clothes leaving quite often here. I hope everyone is well, and having a great summer... Melissa RNY 2/16/05 Dr. Quinlin 255/160/ I see my goal in sight ...
~Georgia Girl~
on 8/3/05 2:48 am - Blairsville, GA
Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
My surgery was on the 28th of I am just a few days past 5 months out...... You look great Dorthe. My thoughts have been with you and your family. Take care. Lori
on 8/2/05 11:22 pm
Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
Dorthe, love you new picture, the picture says a 1000 words, look at that smile . My 6 month is on the 25th, I'm anxious to weigh on my Doc's scale to see the progress. According to mine, I want to lose 5 lbs before then. Sure hope it happens, the weight loss has slowed down alot the last couple of weeks, still losing those inches though. Dana Lap RNY 2-21-05 260/239/155/130??
dorthe H.
on 8/2/05 8:58 pm - farmington, MN
Topic: six month checkup, anyone?
i occurs to me that all of us should be getting our six month follow up this month. mine is on the 15th. i'll post my results - i'm glad they've already done the blood work so i can find the levels which i will need to improve on, but the nurse was a one-***** wonder. she left a bruise the size of a quarter and a big hole in the crook of my elbow, all with one ***** so, again, when all of you out there get your follow up done, how about we all share results. i know i'll be interested in hearing from all of you. i'll keep checking this board, especially this month. good luck. dorthe
dorthe H.
on 8/2/05 8:54 pm - farmington, MN
Topic: RE: Cheating VS. Guilt!
hi katie: i prefer to think of it as allowing myself to splurge now and then. it's not cheating since it's not a diet. isn't rationalization a splendid thing. the head thing doesn't bother me as long as i'm not inhaling everything in sight which is bad for me. and i know i've got my tool to stop me. the exercise thing is what has me stymied. it's a constant challenge for me to rev up the metabolism and i know that after our first six months the exercise is just as crucial as the dietary choices. you are not alone with your "crazy thinking". maybe if you stop thinking of it as forbidden, though, is won't look quite as appealing. right or wrong, katie, i'll allow myself one small taste of ANYTHING. it's an amazingly freeing thought, too, since i know i can have anything if i really want it, i rarely want the stuff i know i shouldn't have. HOW'S THAT FOR CRAZY THINKING? have a great day. stop being so hard on yourself, OK?. dorthe
Jeanie A.
on 8/2/05 11:34 am
Topic: RE: Cheating VS. Guilt!
Oh, I think about gaining weight all the time. It will probably take us awhile to get over that. At this point, it would take an awful lot to make us gain weight. Jeanie
on 8/2/05 11:05 am
Topic: RE: How much weight have we lost?
Katie, you are doing awesome. You look so happy and beautiful in your pic. I had to go to your profile to make sure I was looking at the same person, congrats. Dana
Katie Gavin
on 8/2/05 10:12 am - Hamilton, Canada
Topic: Cheating VS. Guilt!
ok so am i cheating by having 1/2 a cup of frozen yourgert or it is guilt?? really or!! a slice of bread with cheese on it!!!! or is it guilt and fear of gaining weight!!!! i would love to know how everyone is doing ..with the HEAD thing!!! if i eat a chicken finger i feel lik ei will put 10lbs on!!! anyone elce are am i alone with my crazy thinking! kate
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