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Topic: My wow moment
Today at my check-up (I've lost 66 lbs since Feb 21) I had a wow moment. After I talked to my surgeon - who was very pleased with my progress - I had to walk to another building to go to the lab. I realized that I did not need to use the handrail, that I was not wheezing, and that my legs and back did not hurt!
Topic: RE: Sorry this never gave my email: [email protected]
Sarah ~ Thank you so much for your note. I am really scared to see the doctor tomorrow. I guess, because I have placed too high a goal upon myself and have had alot of stress lately, to where I have not walked and excercised the last 3 weeks. I'm sure that's it. Depression is so hard to fight. I need to see the glass half full not half empty. Your words were so comforting. I will try and stay in contact with everyone more from now on. You're a sweetheart! God Bless! Luv, kath

Topic: RE: Sorry this never gave my email: [email protected]
Kath, You are doing terrific. It has only been 6 months and you have lost a whole person. I am so jealous - only 74 pounds for me. I actually feel terrific about the 74 pounds. Congratulations on the new grandbaby. I have 7 and one due in October. They are wonderful and love me fat or thin. I hope you are feeling better soon. Sarah 266/192/140
Topic: Sorry this never gave my email: [email protected]
Now Today is the 4th of Aug. hope this makes the post. Tomorrow I go to Nashville for the 6 mon. check up.
Posted at 9:09 PM PST on 07/30/2005
This is a reply to a post by Cajun Girl
RE: How much weight have we lost?
Hi Everybody!
I have had such a busy year since Feb. 9th ... my surgery in Nashville. I haven't made time to post and am so sorry. As of yesterday morning,
I have lost 105 lbs !!! .......
....since Feb. 9th surgery, and 125 total... (including my weight lost prior to surgery). Basically, I just go by what I have lost since Feb. 9th. Am I in a good range or a normal range? Tonight I have been feeling so down, like I have failed. It may be the weather and I am absolutely exhausted. I go to my Dr. next Friday for my 6 month check up. I truly hope that I am
in a good range of weight loss. My bones have been the only problem that I have encountered. I am in constant pain... it may still be fibromyalgia, or just the fact that my poor body doesn't kow what to do without the fat to hold it up! LOL!
The GOOD NEWS is, I have gone from a size 32 jean to a 20 jean (almost 18).:From a 26-28 or 4X shirt size to almost an 18 - 16: my bra size has gone from a 44 DD to a 34 C( almost a Training bra!) I didn't want to lose that much up there though. If you would, let me know if you think I am ok and doing alright. I'm rather scared to go and see the doctor. Well, sorry for the pity party, I guess I am just extrememly tired.
I also just became a NEW Grandma on Thursday! That's why I'm so exhausted, but oh what a Precious" reason to be tired. My diet has been very strict: basically just chicken, fish or shrimp:very little verggies and Fruit 2 O(water). No carbs no caffeine, no grease and no sugar. I really have been very disciplined. Let me know what you think guys! Thank you so much! I'll try and get back to you all sooner. God Bless! Luv, kath

Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
My doctor is so I don't have my six month check up until September 15th
But I am in no hurry to see him either...last time he was pleased with my weight loss but I don't think he will be now...I have only lost 67 lbs.
So we will see what he says this time around!

Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
You are doing great!! Glad to hear your labs came out good.
(still stuck, I'm thinking of running my scale over with the jeep)
Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
I had my surgery on Feb 14, 2005 and I already had my check up and blood work and everything came out very good except my level of folic acid. I have to now take a nasal gel spray once a week. All my other levels were very good... I have lost 84 lbs and feeling great....Dawn
315/231/140 healthy
Topic: RE: six month checkup, anyone?
Well, my 6 month checkup was supposed to be on the 15th, but had to change it to the 29th. I'm not really looking forward to it. I'm having a hysterectomy done on the 11th, so I'm gonna be full of fluid for awhile. I figure its probably going to slow my weightloss down a lot since I wont be able to exersize for at least 4-6 weeks! But, I'll be sure to pop in afterwards!
Topic: RE: How much weight have we lost?
I am down 95 pounds, and over 50 inches... I measured a couple weeks ago and it was 50 then... I am down to a size 12 from a 24.. OH YEAH... doing a happy dance.. LOL