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About a year to the date of my wls I started having side splitting pain of course being one of those people that does not go to hosp I waited a day. I could not sleep at night the pain was so bad. I was doubled over I finaly called my surgeon. who ordered a ultrasound and ct scan. They found gall stones. They thought at first it was a bowl blockage as I too dont have bm's that often. They had me on the surgery table 4 hours after that only to find that my gall bladder was full of sludge and had started to solidify. They advised me after that I had the gall bladder of a 80 year old woman. they also fixed a hernia while they were in there that they found during surgery. All I have to say is if You are having pain in the vicinity of your surgery call your doctor that you do your follow ups with. For me it is my surgeon. I hope this helps. Gall bladder pain is horrible.
Topic: Arthritis issues
I am two years post op form my bypass surgery. I am currently fighting a form of arthritis called seronegative polyarthritis. My Rhuematologist thinks there could be some connection to the bypass surgery. The big problem with fighting the artritis is that I can not use any asprin based products which are obviuosly the best for inflammation. I have been in constant pain for almost 12 weeks now. Has anyone else run into this after surgery or is this just a case of bad luck?
FYI, other than this arthritis problem I fell great!
I am at 95% of my goal weight and have been stable at this weight for over 6 months now.I actually have to eat more thanI like to so that I do not lose anymore weight. Best thing I ever long as this arthritis issue is not connected.

Topic: RE: We're almost two!
Hi Karen, it's so hard to believe it's February 2007 and we are all entering the terrible 2 age
. Life is so much fun, isn't it? I love the commit about 2 years suppose to get in a bit of trouble now and then.....hmmmm I'm sure we can all find some way to do this
Happy Anniversary!

Topic: RE: My 2nd Birthday!!
Congratulations, you have done an awesome job. Doesn't it feel wonderful?
Topic: My 2nd Birthday!!
The past 2 years have been some of the most life changing experieinces for me...ever!!
I think back to 2/7/05 and I was in surgery, changing my life for the better!!
I am down 187lbs and feeling GREAT!! I can do anything I want to worries about not being able to walk somewhere, having to take the problem, no breaking or getting stuck in any more chairs...
I want to lose another 25-30lbs and then I reallly need to go for plactics but Im a little scared of that...but Im sure i will over come that also!!
THANK YOU DR GARBER AND STAFF for giving me back my life. And my husband thanks you also!! 

Topic: TWO Wonderful Years
Two years ago yesterday. February 4, 2005. I became the NEW ME!
it hasn't been an easy journey... from the fighting to get insurance approval... meeting with disapproval with "some'' family/friends... the little bumps in getting used to my pouch/new diet/etc
but the results!! WOW
I still would like to get down to 125# ... I bounce between 167-170...but, alas~~~ I AM NOW healthy!!! and that is all that matters!
Again, THANK YOU to Dr Curry!!!
Deb @ Indian Lake
highest wieght - 268
Topic: I'm two today!!!
Yes, that is right, today is my second surgiversary.
So I guess it is time to reflect upon what a wonderful journey this has been so far and will continue to be.
I am so NOT the person i was before. Pat was a strong woman who was very capable, but so very sad inside. She didn't feel she belonged even though she had many good friends. Her life was working and eating and TV. A sad small life despite many who loved her for who she was.
This surgery changes not just our bodies, but our minds, our hearts and leaves us both smaller physically and so very much larger emotionally. I grow with every pound I lose. I feel like a balloon that has been set free to soar. I'm not afraid to try new things and....I'm not afraid of relationships because I now LOVE me.
Year one was gross weight loss. Year two has seen a modest weight loss, but shaping through rigorous exercise. Year three is the year of sculpting along with more modest weight loss. PS for the panny, waist and breasts is scheduled for the first week of April.
I'm reinventing myself. I'm no longer Pat....I'm now Trisha. And Trisha is a bold but caring, sassy red head.
So any of you newbies out there reading thing, please understand that this is a process with lots of ramifications, many wonderful changes, and in the end you get to be the diamond that was there all along. Sparkly and new, shining bright as the sun.
Life is good!!!
the two year old!
Topic: RE: We're almost two!
Thank you Karen C. I almost forgot the two year birthday is coming up. Happy Birthday to you and all the our fellow losers and maintainers out there. As you said life is good - I never thought of what a two yr old does before and I like how you put it. I may have to use that advice and I can't wait to see the look on my families face when I do everything! LOL! Take care and God bless - deb k