Help Please! Need To Get Back on Track!
Hi All-
I have gotten off track, and still need to lose 40 lbs to get to goal. Admittedly, I have not been exercising and eating like I should. I will be !signing up for Curves soon.
Can someone please supply me with an example of what they eat on a daily basis that facilitates continued weight loss?
Also, can someone supply me with the "boost" program to get me back losing again?
Thank you!
hi aly:
i wish i could help. since my foot has been in this cast i have not been able to exercise, nor weigh myself. i try to stick with oatmeal for breakfast, with nuts added. 3 oz meat and 2 oz cheese for lunch. and about 4 oz meat and a spoonful of veggies at supper. in between i might have a sf fudgsicle, soy nuts or mixed nuts, coffee or sf hot choc.
but i'll know in a couple weeks how i'm doing. that's when the cast comes off and i can begin to move again.
good luck with your fresh start, aly.

hey am I there.. I want to loose another 40 too... so that is it.. RE COMMITTED today is a new day.. and I am sayin NO to carbs.. arhhhh...
Good luck to you.. and if you want an accoutnablilty partner.. lets do that for each other..
I wanna win.. this fight.. come on girl.. lets get movin..
Helen aka dodgergirl