Where is everyone?
i'm trying to live my life!! so much has been going on around here lately...it's crazy! i did want to ask you to email me so i have your email address again. we recently went wireless on our internet connection and our whole computer got wiped out. it stinks!! anyway...if you don't mind email me so i have that info and also i need your home address again...see i lost everything on there!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!
btw....i'm loving my elliptical. i've been doing 5 miles a day on it. i split it up 3x a day(2 miles...1 mile...2 miles for a total of 1.25 hours) it's awesome!!
Hi Dana,
I just got back from a cruise with my granddaughter. It went out of New York City down to Port Canaveral, Miami, Bahama and Great Stirrup Cay! It is great being an active participant rather than a tired by-stander. We did the Tower of Terror at WDW, swam with the Stingrays in the Bahamas and then came back to New York to play at FAO Schwarz on the floor piano (to name a few things).
It was so much fun to be a kid for a week.
Karen A
Hey Dana...we're out here trying to keep warm in Ohio, we had a small taste of Spring then it went into hidding. Burrrr! Life is pretty full now or has it always been that way and I just was missing it? My husband had gastric by pass Jan 24th 2006 and I have been home taking care of him. Can anyone tell me if they were still on insulin when they came home from the hospital? My husband is still on insulin we are hoping he will be off the shots soon and forever. The dr.'s don't know what to do with him I guess others have gotten off their insulin right after surgery and never had to go back on it, even for a little while. Thanks for being here to help me and my husband . deb k
Deb, good to see you posting, it's actually pretty cold in Houston too, for Houston anyway
Congrats to your husband, I hope he is feeling better everyday. As for the insulin I wasn't on it (diabetes controlled by diet) but I've heard of others that still needed insulin after surgery but in lower doses, some are able to eventually get off of it, if it's type II and weight induced. I hope that's the case for your husband.

Dana, Thank you my husband went for his 3 month check-up and he is doing so much better. He has lost 53 lbs. and has only 30 lbs to go. I am so proud of him and yes, he is still on insulin it is settling down now and we hope to get his off of it forever.
I am getting ready for the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day..this is a 2 mile race, my sons run the race too. I always wanted to do this but was to heavy and out of breathe before to do that. Training is going very well, I am not loosing alot of weight but I'm happy at the weight I'm at, 125lbs.
Miss Dana - you are looking Sexy! I'm sure your husband thinks so too! Take care and truly enjoy the Summer doing all the things you couldn't do before. Bless you for keeping this board going - even when you are so busy. deb k
hi dana:
just wanted to check in, too. i'm sitting here, MN, waiting for spring to show up. had surgery on my right foot last week so was in la la land from the vicodin. went back to work on monday of this week and am so tired from dealing with the crutches and being at work i have literally been doing nothing else.
just four more weeks, though, and i'll be into a walking cast.
hope you're doing well. talk to you soon.

Hi everyone,
still here but a little down, I am still at a stop on losing weight, since november...I havent gained but I am not losing and still have at least 50 more lbs to go to get to goal....I know that a 120 lb lose is great in a year but I just wish I could be doing better. I can't wait till spring gets here fianally (in Chicago)
Hello Dana! Things here in KY are doing good. I'm like the others that wish Spring would get here...mainly so I can feel warm again! It'll probably take me well into Summer to defrost...lol!
I am still losing weight, but it's just a pound or two here and there. I am below goal by 14 pounds, so I am content.
I too have more energy than ever before and I feel that I live more normally now. I mean, I sleep regularly and have a job now and just things are normal..you know? Before I had no energy and felt lethargic most of the time and didn't do anything but stay at home. This surgery has been a lifesaver for sure!