How much food at one time?
for lunch i usually eat 2/3 c. cottage cheese w/a jello snack pack mixed in and string cheese. when i make dinner i eat about 3 oz. of chicken or ground turkey w/about 1/4 c. of a veggie and a pudding snack pack. and i'm getting in about 1000 calories a day now and so far i'm maintaining. i go up and down the same 2-3 pounds (which keeps me in the range of my goal and the doctor's goal)
Hey Steph, thanks for the reply I have been freaking out I', up to 123.4 lbs (from low of 119 couple weeks ago, 120.2 last Monday) since Thrusday and paniced.
I guess I'm not over eating, but have found some grazing going on so I'm journaling every bite that goes in my mouth the next week.
Hunger has come back, do you get hungry too now?
Hey Dana...I do get hungry sometimes. Not too often...usually my pms week i'm hungry all the time. even while i'm eating! I just try to ignore it. I've been having problems with my blood sugar staying too i've been trying to eat a little more and I added a little peanut butter before I go to bed and that seems to have helped. I don't allow myself to graze. I eat my 3 meals a day, before breakfast i have 1/2 serving of a nectar drink, then a protein bar for breakfast, before lunch i have 1/2 serving of this vanilla protein powder i have mixed with crystal light, then lunch which is usually what i told you before the cottage cheese etc, then dinner, and after dinner i do a RTD protein shake (usually atkins), then right before bed a spoonful of peanut butter. that takes me to about 1000-1100 calories a day. i just try to keep drinking when i think i'm hungry. i refuse to let myself get fat again!! i look at my sister (she's about a size 22) and think i don't want to look like that again. i know that sounds awful but it keeps me motivated. I do measure everything i eat...i don't trust myself to just eat until i'm full cuz i was so used to just stuffing myself. i know i need to work on being able to do this without measuring but i just can't. i'm very strict and structured. there is a time for everything i do pretty much. my exercising, walking the dog, eating, drinking, showering....i'm so anal!!