so flippin discouraged...

dorthe H.
on 2/10/06 10:43 am - farmington, MN
it's been awhile since i've posted, i know. i'm really, really upset and i know i'm doing all the wrong stuff. i finally, finally, finally got to a point where i was ok with my exercising. then my stupid foot gave out AGAIN. i saw the podiatrist. he tells me i have extremely flat feet. i have plantar fasciitis. and bunions that will need to be dealt with. part of me is so damn tired of hurting i just want it to end. another part of me says that i've come so far already, i should hang in there and do what i need to do to continue with my exercise and weight loss. and part of me is saying f&*k it. it must be fate that every time i try to take one step forward i end up two steps back. right now my foot hurts like the dickens and i haven't been able to treadmill for weeks now.!!! i'm just so tired of the struggle - ya know? thanks for 'listening' to me vent. dorthe
markys mama
on 2/10/06 11:40 am - independence, CA
Dorthe, I am so sorry hunny. I hope all gets better for you. Dont give up and keep it together. you have come so far. And look at your self a year ago. when you could not even walk to the store or down the block. things are getting better now you beating your self up to much. you need to take it easy and remember that you will be able to get back to it when you heal your feet. and know that you have a wonderful tool to help you keep your weight under control. ok now ~~~~~hug~~~~~ you need to not be so hard on your self. get to the doc. get it taken care of the get back on your feet. ok remember we are here for ya. faith 389/225/180
on 2/10/06 2:41 pm
Hi Dorthe, Sorry you're having a bad time. It will pass, give it time. Have you ever used a Gazelle for walking? I was a runner until I had a stroke in 1999 and them I couldn't even walk for 18 months. Spent 18 mons in wheel chair and in the meantime while recovering from the stroke I again developed heel spurs on both heels and my dr suggested walking off the ground so absolutely no weight i****ting the floor or ground. I love it..been doing Gazelle for 4 years now for 20 to 40 min a day before I get on my pilates which I lay down for most exercises and again there is no pressure on my heels what so ever and it very strenuos weight bearing workout. I also for have doing this over 5 years now and really enjoy it. A good workout takes about 23 min. These might be some options you can think about. I know the pain in your feet and its horrible to just make it to the bathroom so how could you possibly walk on the threadmill? Don't beat yourself up, its a set back your are not giving up. Feel better soon. Sending you a comfort hug.
on 2/11/06 1:24 am - Byron, GA
(( hugs )) to you - have you tried to exercise in a way that doesn't hurt your feet? Like swimming? Kia
on 2/11/06 6:35 am - Anacoco, LA
Dorthe: That plantar fasciitis is a real pain. WLS finally got rid of mine, after putting up with it for a year. The doctor gave me naproxen (sp?) for it. Don't know what I could take now that would help if it ever came back. I had to put heal lifts in my shoes. I read up on it and wearing heels is actually better than wearing flats. I work in a deli and am on my feet 6-8 hours a day so I by the time I got home, I was hobbling. I think time is the only thing that really helps with plantar fasciitis. My daughter has a gazelle and she loves it. Try some heal inserts in your shoes. They do help. Cathy G.
on 2/12/06 5:33 am
Dorthe, I'm late catching up on the boards this weekend, and I'm so sorry you are feeling discouraged. You are in my prayers...take it one day at a time, unfortunately there are some things in like that we can't will get better have faith. Hugs, Dana
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