Hey, where is everyone??
Hi and good morning my Feb friends...I wanted to wish everyone a great day...I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year.
I'm looking forward to sharing 2006 with each of you. We have all come so far this past year....newfound health and hopefully happiness. I've enjoyed talking to so many of you....you are all like family to me. The support, love and friendship I've found at OH has inspired me and kept me motivated.
I hope all of us continue to realize the blessings we have, we all have something to be grateful for. One of the guys on the Texas Message board posts a Grateful Post everyday....do you all think this would be an idea we can carry over to the Feb. 2005 Message Board....don't we all have something to be grateful for everyday?
I'll start mine for today....
Today I am grateful....
For such a wonderful 2005, I'm excited to see what 2006 has to offer.
That my hubby is coming home next weekend.
That the holidays are over...I've gotten back on track and lost the weight I'd gained, wow what a wonderful tool, never would of this been possible without my tool.
That the weather is absolutely beautiful outside, love the sunshine.
For the support and encouragement from all of you. I owe you all so much...thanks for being there, always.
Paying it forward in 2006,
Lap RNY 2-21-05

OK, Im grateful for so much. But today I'll post a shocker, especially to you TX gals... it's snow. Yeah, grateful for all the snow I've had to shovel today (northern NJ is really getting a blast!!) - a year ago there is no way that I could have shoveled as easily as today!
I'd have done it but would have been exhausted for the rest of the day at least! Today I was out to shovel twice, and it actually felt great to get the exercise - especially since I've been a real slacker since our weather turned cold!
Great post. Have a great day everyone!
297/185/ goal 150
Hi I am greatful for how far I have come. I can now do so much more than 1-year ago. I now have 2 jobs, which I could never have handled before (isn't this just wonderful).
Thankful that I got throught he Holidays without once even thinking of bad food.
Thankful for losing another 5 pounds after being on a plateau for 2 1/2 months.
Thankful for all the support I have gotten from all of you guys for the past year and hope to continue to have in this new year.
Thankful to be ALIVE!!!
Take Care Everyone