wow for me
hi all,
Well my ex- and I took our son to a x-mass thing this weekend to see santa. Well he took a pic of my son and I. On Sunday when I saw him he showed me another pic on his phone of my son. So I started looking at all the pic. and I ran across a pic of my son and some girl. I asked him who was holding our son. he said that is you silly. So I looked again and sure enough it was me. I did not even know my self. He he. is that funny or what.
you look good girl. You just keep going down. hope I can reach my goal soon. My doc goal is another story. He thinks I should be 165lbs. But I am 5' 9 and I think that would be to small. I follow you too. Check out my profile it looks so good. OH team did a good job on it. I need to get another pic up. Maybe to one I was talking about.