can't help it girls. gotta toot my own horn. samantha (daughter) and i made christmas cookies yesterday and today. I DIDN'T HAVE EVEN ONE COOKIE. NOT A BITE. NOT ONE LICKED FINGER.
&& i counted. we made almost 24 dozen cookies. we give them as gifts and take them to parties, etc...
&&& i finished my christmas shopping and got our christmas cards done.
life is good.
everybody have a great week. it's my last week off before i go back to work. final followup with surgeon on wednesday.
see ya

Dorthe, congratulations and girl you have alot of will-power. I am refusing to make anything that isn't sugar free. I did make a Cherry Cheesecake w/Splenda that Susan Maria has on her website for a work function, it got rave reviews. I'm making a S/F pecan pie for Christmas, and that's it.
Cookies this year.
The holidays have already offered me challenges so I am avoiding as much temptation as I can.
Happy Holidays!

Dorthe, Congrads, on not eating or tasting any cookies. Like you I have been up to my eye balls in cookie dough! I just don't want to eat sweets, I guess it is part of the surgery side effects. LOL! You seem to have gotten alot of things done while you are recovering - you go girl! Have a blessed Christmas. deb k
Great job Dorthe! my sister and i are having our cookie baking day on wednesday. i've done so well this year and i've avoided all sweets...nothing even sugar free! my protein bars are the closest to candy bars/sweets i let myself eat. i don't want to get myself started on eating that stuff...i'll never stop!! again great job..it takes major will power!
Great job Dorthe! Isn't it amazing to have some will power now? I never had any before...and I still struggle with some things...but when it comes to sweets, I can actually say NO...and it feels great to do so!
And you've finished your Christmas shopping? Wow! You're right on task! I bought my Christmas cards...can't remember where I put them though. And I have only two or three presents bought...gee
Oh yeah...you cracked me up with your replies to my surgery post! Thanks for the laugh...if you have any questions about the surgery feel free to e-mail me