surgery pic
You know what's leg doesn't hurt at all! I'm glad to get the stitches out though cuz i'm so ready for a real shower!
I'm excited about the weight too!! I'm probably going to change my goal again and go for the one the nutritionist gave me..i haven't decided yet. i can't seem to get happy with my weight it's never low enough! i know that's not good...i figure i've never been small so i'm not sure what to set the goal at.
I hear you Steph, I keep thinking I need to go lower and lower on the scale too. Heck according to the BMI chart, I can weigh as little as 108 and still be NORMAL, however, I don't think I want to be that small, 18-20 more lbs and I will be toooo skinny.
I bought a pair of 4 jeans yesterday (not stretch) and they fit, yes I'm amazed.
What goal did your nutritionist set for you? You're so tall (compared to me anyway
), I wish I had some more height.

the nutritionist told me 143 pounds. according to the bmi chart my normal weight range is 122-164 pounds...pretty broad spectrum. i don't want to get as low as 122 i think i'll look gross. i've also thought that the smaller i get now the more room i have when i'm pregnant. that way if i get too skinny now i won't have to worry about losing so much after the baby comes. does that make any sense at all??