Dealing with the holidays???
Ok, let's be honest here, I need to know, are any of you struggling dealing with all the parties and snacks we are facing this first holiday season?
I'm really trying to put my finger on why I just grab a bite, I'm not hungry, it's just hard to not graze right now, for me are you'll dealing with this. Am I the Lone Ranger???????
I am!!! I ma trying to stay away from any desserts...because apparently I dont dump on certain sweets!! Not a good thing for me!1

I am trying to concentrate on how good I feel rather than how good that cookie/snack will taste!! Its pretty hard though!! I find if I keep myself busy and hydrated...Im less likely to snack!!
I think that we should all try and help each other get through this hard time of year! Maybe we can start a thread and everyone can post hints and things to do to keep our minds off of the extra food that always seems to pop up during the holidays!!

i'm a bit of a snacker, too, dana. went to a wine party saturday and stayed with the cheese and meat tray with just a cracker or two thrown in. my real issue was the wine i sipped and the percocet i shouldn't have had. hopefully that was my lesson for the season. i'll watch this thread with interest for helpful hints.
thanks for bringing it up.

well i over ate this saturday so i think that will be my one and only time for that this holiday season. i'm glad i got it out of the way. i was so sick saturday after that...all i could do was sleep to make the pain in my tummy go away! i wanted to just die it hurt so bad!! i don't graze though...i haven't really had a hard time with sticking to my eating schedule and not snacking. so i guess i really didn't do the grazing saturday i just ate too much white chicken chili when we were out...i was so good i couldn't stop eating it, but i paid for it right away!! we can all help each other get through this...we survived thanksgiving already and halloween...those are big ones too!!
I didn't have any problem with Thanksgiving, and I haven't been to any parties so I've been okay.
But . . . I find myself snacking at night! I stay with things that are okay for me but still . . . I know I'm not hungry!
Mostly I snack on:
No sugar popsicles
Soy crisps
Popcorn (maybe once a week)
sausage sticks