:help: SPLENDA "FOG" like "Fibro Fog". Does Anyone have same problems?
Tweety has another question.
1.) Does anybody have brain problems when using Splenda or NutraSweet? I get so spacey that I can't make sentences, have trouble focusing etc. It is getting pretty bad. So , I am trying a few days with just H2O no frui****er drinks with Splenda... although it's gaggy for me. I'd rather be able to think clearly and not be poisoning my brain! Question 2.)
I have to crush all meds and "down" them with DaVinci Falvored Syrup ( which is delicious ... to cover up the nasty taste of the meds and is really very liquidy not syrupy) BUT, it too is created with Splenda. Now I know that there is a chlorine molecule within the Splenda chemistry... from my readings (which is not a good thing) But, could I have some input from you guys who use either Splenda or Nutra Sweet and have you experienced any of these problems and what might you suggest? Thanks. God Bless! Luv, kath

Hi Steph,
Well, that seems to be the general answer. Although my blood work from the GPabout a month and a half ago, came back great in everything except protein... which did reveal protein malabsorbtion. So I called up my bariatric nurses and they said to up the protein ( where I had only had about 50-60 gr. a day and now am trying to get in 70-10)... maybe with an extra shake.
Now, I just saw my surgeon on Fri. and they took blood so I should know something at the end of this week. I just have felt so weak and in so much pain and had this brain fog. So, thanks for your input Steph. Keep in touch. Hope eventually I will be able to help others. God Bless! Luv, kath