WHEN r U mOrE than JUST fRiEnDs?!

on 11/4/05 6:57 am - fountain valley, CA
Okay, I feel like such an idiot. I'm 23 yrs old, had one boyfriend for the greater part of my adult life...never really dated...and now this! I have a friend that I'm thinking is interested in me. I'm not sure cuz it's mixed signals. (argh!) He emails me(about 40/day), texts me(sometimes til 3am), and calls me everyday, and he's totally not that kind of guy. He came all the way to my work just to drop by and visit me yesterday and we spent well over an hour just talking and getting to know each other better. He's such a *HOTTIE* and I think I'm crushing on him, but not sure if he feels the same way about me... He keeps askin if I still like hispanic guys my answer: "Why what's it to you? You like asian girls or something?" his reply: "Yeah! I've always had a thing for them!"....Is that right?! I catch him saying things like 'we'd never work out cuz u and me are both so stubborn, proud, bull-headed, arrogant, etc etc'...but the thing is...I've never mentioned or even brought up anything related to us being together...why would he keep saying that?....less it's obvious I'm interested in him...(we always joke about how if we met in high school, we'd of despised each other cuz we're so much alike personality-wise) And he talks about other girls and girls that are interested in him...don't know what to think about it all...Are we just really good friends? Or is it transitioning into more than that? It's really hard to believe that he could ACTUALLY be interested in me...I still feel like that phat girl... He's gonna come by this Monday or Tuesday to take me out for lunch...and we've been trying to coordinate a day where we could roll out to the Ghetty art museum in LA (he totally isn't an art-loving guy either). He told me one day out of the blue that he was interested in arts but I think that's cuz he found out I LOVE arts! Help please! I'm SOOoOoO CONFUSED!
on 11/4/05 7:06 am - St Charles, MO
Hey there girly! Let me ask you this....Do you still have a boyfriend? and if so does he know about all the email, texting, and the amount of time you spend with this guy? and you need to ask yourself if this guy is worth losing your man over too! in my opinion...it sounds like the guy is crushing on you also...maybe you should just come out and ask. i've done that before and found out that a friend of mine had strong feelings for me. i know you're not too shy to ask! eventhough you still feel like that person you used to be, you're not! you're even more beautiful now, and what's not to love honey!! just go with you gut and be straight forward with the guy! Steph 350/168/150 (changed the goal weight again! argh!!)
on 11/4/05 7:30 am - fountain valley, CA
I don't spend alot of time with this guy, I've only had lunch with him one other time and that's cuz I was visiting friends out in his store. We correspond alot through the phone and emails. No, I'm not too shy to ask. I already have, but he just avoided the question. (shrug) I'll just have to beat it out of him, I guess! He is SOoOOoO cute! I have to send u a pics when I get one! Oooohh! and that reminds me! He took a pic of me for his camera phone! So when I call, my pics flashes! How cute is that! This guy is totally a man's man...okay? Trip out!
on 11/4/05 7:51 am - St Charles, MO
ok it sounds like the situation with the boyfriend is a little strange. if you're not happy then cut him loose...even if there is nothing brewing with the other guy. i know it's hard to let go and you don't want to hurt anyone but think about it..in the long run you may hurt him or get hurt yourself by staying together when you don't really want to. my sister never really dated and married her first really serious guy, they're divorced now because she felt like she missed out on being young and they also grew apart as they got older. you're young...you really need to have fun. i've had several serious live-in boyfriends, but i always knew when it was time to let go...i didn't get married until i was 30..i was having too much fun dating! oh and big surprise that a man avoided answering the question about what he wanted/or was feeling. SHOCKER!! just keep talking to him and maybe he'll get more comfortable and actually tell you something or ask you out on a "real" date. definitely email me some pics when you get them. always like looking at the hottie pics!!
on 11/4/05 8:33 am - fountain valley, CA
LOL! I know, right!!! It's cool...will get to askin him again...I'm pretty sure he's crushing on me...it's just SO weird!!! It's so sweet how he gets all sensitive when I don't respond to his emails fast enough. He keeps his OUTLOOK up on his computer just to receive my emails! Aww!! And he responds to my text messages with the speed of light...no matter what time of day it is! He keeps me company when I'm suffering from my insomnia! Aw! Where's the boyfriend, you might be wondering....he's gambling on-line through all of this. He doesn't even know I get text messages at 3am! And we sleep in the same damn bed! (throwing hands up in the air) The situation with the boyfriend is strange because he won't let me let him go! So he puts up with whatever I want or don't want to do. I know, I know, got to do what you got to do..but it's hard. He's my first everything. It'll be a slow process to finally rid of him...and there will be much guilt...It's inevitable..and he knows that...we openly talk about this stuff. He's fully aware of where I stand...sigh....
markys mama
on 11/4/05 8:46 am - independence, CA
I have a Freind like this and I went to him and had a heart to heart. I told him he needed to tell me if he wanted to be more than just freinds. And we both decided that it would be better if we just stayed freinds. I have been very close to him for many years. But there is nothin there. We are how ever going to move in with each other as room mates. in a couple of months. So If there is any thing there than I guess it will happen then. hope this helps. faith 389/244/180
on 11/4/05 10:11 am - fountain valley, CA
Eeek! Don't think we're close enough to have a heart to heart about this! H ahaha! I asked him straight up already and got no answer...it's okay...will just keep working on it. We've only started being good friends within the last 3 months, only seen each other once within that time frame...
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