Is anyone "Cold" yet?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone is having a problem with being cold? My hands and feet stay cold. Our weather is kinda warm in the day time and it really gets cold at nite. I think they call this "Fall" LOL! But really if so please let me know what you would do to get warm and stay that way. My Dr. says it is a good thing to be cold because then I know I haven't eating too much fat. He says fat creates heat and that is not what I want. Go figure.. Thanks. deb k
I know exactly how you feel. Ive been traipsing around with two shirts and a sweatshirt the last few days, and its been in the 80's here. My kids think I'm nuts when I tell them I'm cold. Theyre sweating their little hineys off in shorts and tank tops and I'm dressed up like a sasquatch! St night I just toss 3 extra blankets on me plus my heating pad, thick socks, sweatshirt and sweatpants. I have hubby to keep my front warm and my 70 pound golden retriever (yes he sleeps on the bed with me, hes the baby) to keep my rear warm. Thats the only thing Ive found that keeps me warm. If you find anything else let me know!
i'm right there with you guys. I'm cold most of the time. Last year I would still be in shorts through November but I'm already in my jeans. I usually snuggle up with my puppy under my blanket to keep warm. My husband is no help because he's always hot and doesn't want to snuggle because it makes him too hot. This is just so strange for me to feel so cold all the DH used to complain because he was cold and I'd have the window open in December. Now I'm the one that's freezing. I LIKE IT!!

hi deb:
what a great question!!! i've been cold for the first time in my life, too. lots less heat being generated because of much less weight. i warm up from the inside out - sf hot chocolate, coffee, hot broth, ... and i also get to look forward to hot flashes after my hysterectomy in november. blessing???
stay warm. have a great weekend.
warm hugs
Deb, add me to the list of cold people,
. It is in the mid-80's here and my feet and hands are freezing. I dread the winter, I don't know what I'm going to do. I must go shopping this weekend for a light jacket and some warm pants and shirts/sweatshirts.
Heck, I could never live in the northern states where yall have the really cold winters, hope you stay warm.

Ok, add me to the "cold" list. I'm always cold!!!
I work at the airport driving one of those carts around. I'm freezing all the time and I'm in doors. I finally broke down and started to wear my winter gloves cause my hands are always freezing. The boss told me i can't wear, i'll have to figure something else out. It's snowing up in the mountains today...ugggg....winter is on it's way. I sorta miss those days of always being HOT....mmm...maybe not.
