Bad me, Bad me
I just went on my lunch break and I had LASAGNA!!!!!!!! I am beating myself up. I have a slight headache and a baby tummyache but I have a major guilt complex! I didn't eat it all but I boxed it up to go. Well, I did one thing right... I already threw out the leftovers. If only I could get my head on straight I would be okay

Meryl, give yourself a break. Maybe it wasn't the best food choice but think of it like this, you ate a small portion, you didn't indulge in the whole thing.
We are all human, we aren't perfect. Remember, we want to be like a normal person and normal people eat lasagna right?
You're going to do fine, don't beat yourself up.
Don't beat yourself up. I often have things that aren't the best for me. We have to live life. THis is not a diet we are on here, we are learning to eat more normally. When I go to a resteraunt, I decide ahead of time whether I will be bad, or good. THen I stick to that, compensating when I am bad by being really good the rest of the day.
I've lost almost 115lbs now, and I think that at this point, any weight we lose has to be done with a concentrated effort. As long as you are good more often than not, you will be fine!