Sending Love and Light and Laughter to you All! :):):)
I just wanted to write a quickie to you guys to thanks you for writing me the earlier part of this month about depression, weight and back pain. I went on Aug the 4th ... I think to my 6 month check up. AND, remember how scared I was? Well, I got on the scales at the dr.'s office and low and behold... I had lost 106 lbs. according to their scales!!! I didn't remember that I had weighed 326 before surgery!!!! AND, the dr. said "You are in the 52nd percentile of weight loss".... Kapoweee!!! (Where did that come from?)... oh well. Anyway, the doctor was delighted with my progress. I asked about my back and they took blood work so, as of today (Aug. 22nd,) all blood work was ok. I checked with my psychologist an psyc. about my medicine and we're working on that end of the depression. I am basically doing great.
AND, today's scale said... " 118 lbs lost!" I am almost to the "ONEderland state!"... Nine more lbs. and I will be 199!!!!!!!!!!!!!... all the way from 326 in FEB. WHOAHOOOOOOOOOOOO
So, for all you newbies, and FEb. anniversarians (?) LOL! don't give up! I put 2 pics in for before and after.... but , the after one where I am holding my new granddaughter is horrible... cuz my hubby took it when I just turned my head and had been up all night at the hospital! But, I know how much weight I've lost , even if my picture looks weathered! Will, try and send a new one. Well, I guess this really wasn't a "quickie" but sending my love anyway guys! God Bless!