meats and cheese taste awful, anyone else feel like this?
I have a bad time with meat (pork, fish, chicken, turkey) and cheese, they just taste terrible. I haven't eaten beef since my doctor says no beef until 6 months. Since we're all at about the same stage, I'm wondering if other people are having problems with it too? I've been drinking 2 protein shakes daily so I'm getting my protein, veggies and fruit taste better than ever. I always liked meat before my surgery but now it's tastes metallic and sometimes even the smell makes me gag. I used to LOVE cheese now I can't even swallow a bite of it, I can eat an occasional egg but they don't taste really good either. Sometimes I wonder if it's all in my head???
I have my 6 months check up next week, so I'll definitely be asking my doc about it but just wanted some input from you guys too.
I have just recently been able to eat chicken...every time I tried it for months I would get sick! I think for me its all in my head but since I do not like to feel sick ...I stay away from it.
I would talk to your doc and ask what eles you can eat. Maybe beans? what about tofu?
good luck!
My taste has changed a lot. I never liked cold cheese before, now I love it. I can't eat chicken - it will NOT go down. I can't eat scrambled eggs. I don't have any problem with lean beef. I don't like nosugar pudding any more - used to love that stuff. What does taste good is crunchy things like soy crisps, nuts, crackers, but I gotta watch my carbs.
hi wanda:
i had that right after surgery. i thought i had heard it was from the anesthesia - that metallic taste. that went away after about a month. since then, i've been able to eat almost anything that i've tried. i struggle with beef if it's not really juicy (cooked in a crockpot). have to choke down steak and hamburger. and i won't even touch sugar - it's a trigger for me. it might all be in your head, wanda, but i kinda doubt it. keep trying. one day it'll be a problem and the next day it'll be ok.
good luck. you're doing really well.