Cheating VS. Guilt!
ok so am i cheating by having 1/2 a cup of frozen yourgert or it is guilt?? really or!! a slice of bread with cheese on it!!!! or is it guilt and fear of gaining weight!!!! i would love to know how everyone is doing ..with the HEAD thing!!! if i eat a chicken finger i feel lik ei will put 10lbs on!!! anyone elce are am i alone with my crazy thinking!
hi katie:
i prefer to think of it as allowing myself to splurge now and then. it's not cheating since it's not a diet. isn't rationalization a splendid thing.
the head thing doesn't bother me as long as i'm not inhaling everything in sight which is bad for me. and i know i've got my tool to stop me.
the exercise thing is what has me stymied. it's a constant challenge for me to rev up the metabolism and i know that after our first six months the exercise is just as crucial as the dietary choices.
you are not alone with your "crazy thinking". maybe if you stop thinking of it as forbidden, though, is won't look quite as appealing. right or wrong, katie, i'll allow myself one small taste of ANYTHING. it's an amazingly freeing thought, too, since i know i can have anything if i really want it, i rarely want the stuff i know i shouldn't have. HOW'S THAT FOR CRAZY THINKING?
have a great day. stop being so hard on yourself, OK?.

Dorthe - I just went to your site. You look terrific. I enjoy your postings. Kate - I also deal with the cheating or guilt issue. I eat popcorn and potato chips occasionally (only a few) and feel as if I am cheating. I keep thinking the scale will go up - hasn't yet. I guess it is part of the reason I needed the surgery was that my brain and metabolism does not react or work like everyone else's when it comes to food. I have to write things down and keep track of my food, exercise etc so I can stay on track. Other wise MY CRAZY THINKING will get the best of me. Sarah
I think that the past has trained us that if we eat the wrong things we will gain weight back. For most of us, I think it comes from the fact that all our lives we have been dieting, or gaining. We feel like if we eat one normal food, we will start that evil gaining faze. I think you have to try to eat well most of the time, but I try not to feel too guilty when I have something "bad".
BTW- Penguins has Sugar free, Non-Fat, Low Carb Frozen Yogurt, and it is really good, especially with a few berries.