What amazes you?
There are a lot of great things about life after surgery...but is there any particular thing, big or small, that simply amazes you? One of the things that amazes me is how easily I can cross my legs!! Also, when sitting, my arms rest comfortably in my lap; I used to have to clasp my hands to keep my arms in my lap. I think this is great!
Just wondering...what amazes you???
What a great question!!
I would have to say the way I sit in a chair now. I realized the other day that I sit indian style all the time and never could before.
I have to add another one, last Sunday at church my 8 year old was hugging on me and I realized that his arms were all the way around me!!!
WOWOWOWOWO,,,,I love this tool!!!

I have to agree, this is a great question!
I find the previous entries to be true as well as how comfortable I feel this summer! The heat has been tremendous and it really doesn't effect me like it used.
By this time in the summer I would have stayed in the air condition as much as possible but this year I actually have a tan!

As I read your question, the first thing that popped in my mind was how easily and naturally I cross my legs now - and then went on to read your own response and smiled as I saw the first thing you said was crossing your legs
I also don't feel self conscious when I go out in public any more - I don't feel that everyone is staring at the fat lady - ya know?

I have to agree with the bit about crossing your legs. It suddenly dawned on me one day that I was sitting with my legs crossed and hadn't even realized I'd been doing it. Another thing is when I'm standing and I've got my hands in the back pockets of my jeans just because I can. Of course, just wearing regular (not stretch) jeans is a cause for celebration, too. One day I realized I could just lean over and tie my shoe without having to bring my foot up first. Little things that other people take for granted can seem amazing to someone who hasn't been able to do them for a long time.
Cathy G.
291-surgery consult
Thanks everyone for the replies! I find it fascinating the little things that amaze me now. All these things are great! Another thing that is amazing to me is how I can feel my bones....not like "ouch" feel them like before, but actually feel the shape of them and such. The first time I felt my hips bones, it kinda startled me--I thought I had a hard mass in my side...only to realize I had another one on the other side...hip bones...LOL.
What amazes me the most is that I can shop at "NORMAL PEOPLE" stores. Today there was an AMAZING sale at JCPENNY and normally, I would just mop...(is that how that's spelled?!) around the store thinking how it sucks I can't fit into anything there!
I think their biggest size was a 16 or 18 there...but your lucky to find those sizes. Today, I bought stuff actually on sale for like under $4.00!!! Two jackets, size 4 and SMALL and a dress shirt size 6(but when I got home, it was TOO BIG!!!). I was amazed to find that the LARGE's were all TOO BIG!
UNBELIEVABLE... it's just unbelievable. I still don't believe my eyes when I'm looking at these sizes.
PRE-OP pants super tight 18/20
5 MO POST-OP pants tight 10, AND loose 12
POST-OP SHIRT 4 and 6!!!
Lap Last
rny 2.16.05
Dr. Nazarian f.a.c.s.
237/161/115...that's what both my sisters weigh anyway!!!
DITTO, DITTO, DITTO, to what everyone has said. I especially love the fact that I can cross my legs now and fit so nicely behind the wheel of the car with EXTRA room and now I have all of this extra room in the seatbelt.
Also when my husband gave me a hug yesterday he said, "Wow, you are getting so much smaller". Life is great 80 lbs. lighter. I can't imagine what it will be like another 70 lbs. lighter (thats my goal anyway).
Life is good and getting better