Warning: Thinning hair and sunburn
Hi Everyone,
Just a warning if you are one of the "lucky" ones to have your hair falling out. I have lost a lot of hair since 3 months and really noticed it on vacation. I was out in the sun for about 2 hours without a hat and got a bad sunburn at my part and about an inch on either side. I never had a problem before, but I think I had a problem because my hair is so thined out. I spent the rest of vacation wearing a hat.
Thanks for the advice, only wish I would have read this before my vacation to Florida.
I am now returning from two weeks in the sun and also have sunburn on the top of my quickly thinning hair line. I spend time in the ocean wearing a hat also.
I am sure hoping that this thinning stops soon, I am getting a little nervous as to how much I will actually have left with when it stops!

I am 5 months out since the 23 and my hair is falling out more and more daily. I have always had thick hair and I wonder if it will be as thick any more. The bad thing is it is frizzing really bad and I am very saddened by the way it looks. I am optimistic because I take my vitamins and I eat lots of protein. I had my surgery in February on the 23 and I have since lossed 80 pounds and feel great.
Any how if you know of anyone who has been through this please share with me. I would like to know if they grew their hair back later on and if it was as thick as before. Thanks!
Tamela Pittman
My hair is falling out too, and I also had very thick hair. But I take heart in remembering when I was just going threw the test for the surgery I met a girl at my docs office who was 9 mths out and she over heard my concern about the hair loss and told me it starts growing back after 6 months I just looked and her feeling like I hope so and she says to me look and sure enough she had baby hair I mean the stuff I see on my 7 year old after that I just said to myself whats going to be will be and after six months may I have all this baby hair growing in around my face. LOL. If not I guess I can always find a good wig Goldie
Thanks for the tip and I have heard others say that it grows back as well. I am so excited because I am glad I am losing all the weight which is way far better. What a wonderful change the surgery has made in my life. I bought a two piece bathing suit this week for our trip to Galveston. It was a size 12 to 14. I was shocked because the smallest I had been in 10 years was an 18 and that was up to 3 years ago. Then I wore a 20 on up to about a 22 before the surgery. I am glad I have others to talk to about the surgery and life after.
Thank you!
Tamela Pittman
Keep in touch!!!