how much food!
hi loretta: i had to answer your reply. you mentioned being down because you've 'only' lost 62 lbs. but in four months? that's only slightly less than 4 lbs a week. that's alot!!!
if you look back to before surgery and consider your life then - you'll realize just how far you've come. be kinder to yourself. if you're not trying your best, resolve to do better. but if you're doing your best, what more can you expect?
it will come. just remember your rules and your limits.
take it easy
hi katie:
wish i could tell you. i'm trying to not let food control my life anymore. i eat when i'm hungry, until i'm not. don't track, measure, weigh, or obsess. i'm trying to change the whole 'food is the only thing in my life' attitude that got me into this shape to begin with.
but it sounds as though you're doing great. keep up with whatever you've got going, katie. and good luck
Hi Kate...I had my surgery Feb 17th. I have been having some hunger issues and am currently trying to deal with them. I usually have an instant oatmeal for breakfast...either plain with equal...or right now I have banana and walnut flavor. I get hungry in a couple of hours or so. I either drink a protein drink...or like today I melted a little cheese in a skillet and ate 2 small cheese crisps..and had 3 small pcs of celery with peanut butter on them. For lunch I ate a baked chicken thigh I had coated with Shake and Bake. I drank lots of water, propel and light Hawaiian Punch...and had a Light Ice Cream Bar...lowfat and sweetened with Splenda. I really didn't have much of a I drank a protein shake..and have had a glass of tomato juice. Normally I have whatever everyone else is having for dinner...just a lot less. I can eat anywhere from 4 to 7 oz at a meal...depending on what it is. I do snack during the day...I know a lot of people don't...but I get so hungry that I eat too fast at my meals. I also do Step Aerobics classes for an hour on Mondays and Water Aerobics classes for 50 minutes on Tuesday...if I can I try to just walk a couple of days a week too..but I don't always get it in every week. I really thought I was eating too much...but I have lost 79lbs...I just try my best to make good food choices.
Hi Kate, first off congratulations you are doing wonderful!
I eat 3 times a day and my meals mainly consist of lean meat, chicken or seafood with leafy vegetables or cucumbers, cauliflower, squash.
I rarely east a snack and if so it is string cheese or 1/2 protein bar, or 4-5 almonds.
I can eat between 1-2 oz at a time. Do I feel hungar, sometimes but I drink lots of water when I feel it. Some folks say I'm not eating enough but my pouch was only 1/2 oz after surgery and I don't force myself to eat more than I am comfortable with.
I continue to lose about 2.5 lbs or more a week so I'm not changing anything at this time.
Hi Katie,
With 105 lb. loss you should be giving us a menu to follow. Congrats on your weight loss. I also try not to obsess about food. I don't weigh my food, but I probably eat about 1/2 c. if the food is dense, but if I am eating salad (which I have at least once a day) I can eat 1 or 2 cups of greens. I try not to snack, but when I do I reach for a sf popsicle, popcorn, almonds. I just broke a 7 weeks plateau and have lost 5 lbs. this week, so I'm down about 72 lbs.
Keep up the good work,
WOW!!! What a weight loss. Can't wait until I break 100 pounds. I have about 23 pounds to go.
What do I eat... I try to eat every two to three hours. But I fail miserably at it! Especially on the weekend.
Here is what I have been trying to eat this week.
B - 16 oz of Hot Mint Green Tea
S - Yogurt or Hard Boiled Egg
L - 1/2 of a sandwich (SF Wheat Bread, RoastBeef or Ham with Hot Pepper cheese.) or just the meat and cheese. If not full, I have some cottage cheese.
S - Nuts or something like that
D - What ever the family eats (Like tonight I had Enchilada Casserole. Tried not to eat the corn tortilla but I did have two Dorito's.
S - Pumpkin Seeds or Popcorn.

Hi Katie funny you should ask I was wondering to ....So i called the dietician at my doctors office and asked the same question. They told me that at this point we should be getting 1000 to 1300 calories per day. You should stick with your protien and vitamins and aviod too many carbs and fried food and sugar. Sounds like you are doing a great job!!! I am almost 100 lbs. down since Feb. 15th. She also told me about a calcium supplement that has calcium citrate you can order on line or by phone from a company called Bariatric Advantage they have a web site by the same name. I ordered the cinnominn lozenges. Their number is 1-800-898-6888. A package of 60 was 16.90 with shipping.
She really stressed to the importance of the vitamins and the protien. I have still been going on 500 to 600 calories per day and she said that was not enough. Now thats a new twist!!!! I have never in my life been accused of not eating enough!!
Keep up the excellent work!!!! You are doing GREAT!!!