hair loss????
Hey Ginny,
Since you have already colored AND highlighted your hair then keep your appointment with your hairdresser and see what she thinks. The color will give you more body but it also dries out your hair will cause breakage, so the layers might be a good thing. Use a good shampoo and conditioner.

Hi Cori, Color and highlights came out great as my Loreal kits. I do dark ash brown on my roots where I have some gray, med ash brown to my ends then add the highlights. I hate seeing a woman with redish roots when she has dark hair. I use a great collagen shampoo and conditioner from Nick Chavez out of L.A., I get it from QVC. I also use spray his protein called vital complex & a frizz product which keeps my hair from breaking with the dryer or flat iron....his products are great for my hair....I sat with conditioner for 1/2 hr after I highlighted today, then I shampooed and conditioned it again when I was an all day affair. Soaked off my french tips today so I can get a new set on Sat. as well as haircut...I am becoming high maintenance again. LOL My salon is so expensive I color my own hair to save the 170. doing it myself costs about 25. I'm a licensed cosmetology teacher but haven't worked at it forever other than husband and friends hair...I became a makeup artist instead and its been over 10 years since I left that.
Wow Ginny we have a lot in common! Did you notice we have the same surgery date? As I was reading your post I was thinking that you know about the process of coloring and highlights
I'm becoming high maintenance also. I'm wearing makeup again, I wear my hair down and blow it dry now instead of ponytails and going to bed with a wet head. I look back at myself and wonder how in the world did I hold a clientele looking like I did.

I didn't see a date listed for your surgery. I went to your profile and you have not been updating it. How is your weight loss doing? I am down 46 weighing 167. It's exciting to see the weight drop when no matter what I did I couldn't loose 1 lb. My loss is slow but dr told me its cuz I am a light weight, ya light weight, I was feeling so light at 213. No one I know on earth other than my doctors saw me at that weight. My family live out of state and I am so glad not one pic of me fat was ever taken. By the time I see family again I will be right back as the skinny gal that left and moved to Florida to spend each day on the beach...what a joke, I had a stroke shortly after moving here then started to gain in 2001, I have never been to the beach and I live about 2 miles from the most beautiful ones here is Southwest Fl.
I recently cut a foot off my hair and had it layered because it was definitely starting to fall out and feel i LOVE it!! My hair looks incredible!!!!! I have gotten lots of compliments...if you go to my profile and scroll to my latest post, those are new pics that were just taken Sunday and you can see the layers in my hair. I do hope that I stop shedding soon doesn't really go with my new clothes

Hello everyone!! I don't post too much but I also have experienced some hair loss. Basically when I brush or wash my hair alot more comes out than normal. I read the post of taking the extra protein and vitamins and will try that. I didn't have really thick hair to begin with so don't want to lose too much.
Hang in there my Feb mates... Hugs.

I checked with my nut. and she sent this e-mail to me...
Hair loss is usually due to lack of protein - biotin will not help if you are not getting enough protein. The range is 60 - 80 grams per day. It would not hurt to make sure you are getting closer to 80 grams per day. Protein is made up of amino acids and yes different foods contain different combinations of different amino acids - actually egg whites are the most complete (contain almost all the different amino acids) sources of protein available. The best thing is to keep a variety of different protein sources in your diet. - have you tried unfalvored protein powder that you can add to foods or liquid? Unjury is a good product that a lot of people like - you can order it online at You may be able to get more protein without adding as many calories if you utilize powder rather than using protein bars. Protein bars tend to lead to snacking.
Avoid high fat protein options like porkrinds - remember we need to watch all calories not just carbohydrates. keep in touch - the hair loss issue should reslove with additional protien
So I guess I see what happens huh?