Stretch your pouch
Hi I had surgery in February and I continue to be afraid that I am stretching my pouch. I have gone from 1/4 cup to 3 or 4 bites and I am usually full after 4 bites, but I want to lose 15-20 pounds a month and I am not sure if I have stretched my pouch. I am sure that no one feels this way but I had this surgery to lose the weight and I am just afraid that I will not be able to lose all the weight I have to lose (at least 120 more!)
So if I have stretched the pouch is there anything I can do to "shrink" it or something like that?
I have read....and mind you it may not be right....that it is very rare for the stomach to be stretched so quickly...meaning in your three would have had to have done a whole lot of over eating to stretch that Dame Tooter posts about this quite a bit on the main message might try your post there where there are more "oldies". I think you are probably okay though.
3-4 bites is really nothing. Don't worry so much.

trust understand your worries. I have had the thoughts that I may have stretched my pouch several times too...dame tooter is so wonderful though....she always brings me back to reality.
I mean honestly...think about 3-4 bites....especially after its chewed. See? It will be okay. Just follow all your dr's rules.....he knows what's best. I think dame tooter has this article that says something along the lines of most of the time you don't ever really stretch your pouch....that should something stretch, it will more than not, be the stoma, which would mean that the food would leave the pouch quicker than before, which may result in eating a little more, or eating more often due to hunger.'t quote me...but I believe that is what it says.
Congratulations on the weight are doing wonderful! Take care.

At this point you should start seeing a slow down in your weight loss. I would try to make sure you get your protein, fluids, and calories. I don't eat that much either. Mostly salad, soup, and crackers with cheese. I tend to eat about 1 cup of salad or soup. Granted it still takes at least an hour to eat. I toss or save anything after that hour is up. I would spend more time focuing on exercise then not eating. Plateaus are normal though. One week out of the blue I lost fifteen pounds, but only 2-3 over the past 2 weeks. Loss goes in cycles. You are doing fine, Im certain.
I don't think you could have stretched your stomach that much in such a short time. I think you should focus more on your life-long changes like excercise for more results.
Also, I'm not sure if it is realistic to think you will continue to lose 20 pounds a month. From my readings 10-12 ounds is more realistic. You may want to check with your doctor about your expectations.
Good Luck!